Revolution in George Orwell’s Animal Farm Essay

Revolution; noun, a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. Revolutions are a part of our history, they shaped the world we live in, some revolutions did not work, but the ones that succeeded, changed those nations for the best. For example, Arab Springs, the people were tired of how President Mubarak was running their country, so they revolted in protest. There was also the French Revolution, where the third estate started a revolution because they were unhappy with the old regime and how they were being treated. In Animal Farm by George Orwell, the animals were becoming skeptical of the Pigs and their power. All of these events have something in common, the people were suspicious of their corrupt leaders and the system, causing them to revolt. While writing Animal Farm, Orwell’s idea that revolutions don’t work was false, the events of the French Revolution and the current events of Arab Spring support this.

The French Revolution changed France forever, France became a republic, they abolished the estate system, the burdens associated with it and the old regime in general. However, none of this could of been possible if the working class (or third estate) had not revolted. The French Revolution occurred based on several reasons. Firstly, “France struggled for hegemony and, Empire outstripped the fiscal resources of the state” (Schwartz). France was also under the rule of Louis XVI, who was an ineffective leader. Louis XVI had all the power, he controlled everything. He could make the laws and the jobs, he could also decide who paid taxes and who didn’t. “In August 1788, the parliaments insisted that the measures King Louis XVI’s ministry sought to impose amounted to ‘royal des…

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…e, revolutions can work.

Works Cited

“Arab Spring: A Research & Study Guide.” Tunisia. Cornell University Library, n.d.10 Feb. 2014. Web.

Fahim, Kareem, and Mona El Naggar. “Violent Clashes Mark Protests Against Mubarak’s Rule.” The New York Times 25 Jan. 2011: n. pag. Print.McPhee, Peter. “French Revolution.” Europe 1789-1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire. Ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter. Vol. 2. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006. 884-899. World History in Context. 11. FEB. 2014. Web.

Orwell, George. Animal Farm. New York: Signet Classics, 1977. Print.

Schwartz, Robert. “Causes of the French Revolution.” Causes of the French Revolution. Mount Holyoke College, n.d. 07 Feb. 2014. Web.

Shadid, Anthony and David D. Kirkpatrick, “Mubarak Refuses to Step Down, Stoking Revolt and Fury and Resolve.” The New York Times. 10 Feb 2011. 1-5. Print.

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