Research aim

Research aim: To examine the effects of the guardianship law on women’s rights, as well as to what extent religious establishments effect women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.
Research object: The Male Guardianship System in Saudi Arabia
Research tasks:
1. To Present Universalism and Cultural Relativism as the suitable theoretical framework for the research;
2. To Study the historical background of women rights under Islamic law;
3. To analyze the social and economic effects of Saudi Arabia laws on women.
Research subject: Saudi Arabian Women.
Hypothesis: if Saudi Arabia women were to be given the freedom to make decisions without the consent of male relatives, Saudi Arabian women will however be able to freely make decision that will shape their lives into whoever they chose and achieve their potentials in the society.
Research method: This paper depends on qualitative research methods such as, the use of secondary source of data collection is adopted, the research explores existing literary works to examine the focal concepts of universalism and cultural relativism. In other to arrive at a novel research, content analysis of Saudi Arabia official documents, relevant journals, newspapers, official archives, past research, government publications, books, internet as well as reports on male guardianship system in Saudi Arabia, will be used in this research. Also, as a means to seek knowledge into womens right under Islamic laws, we will also examine significance into materials that are gathered for achieving dependable conclusion

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