Pursuing Emotional Stability in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, illustrates one man’s efforts to reestablish a romantic relationship with his old flame. Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald portrays an overarching theme of the “American Dream”. A majority of the characters in the novel have achieved financial success and independence, but none ever truly achieve emotional content. The author wove his opinion of the American dream into the novel by displaying characters who always fall short of an ideal life. Fitzgerald makes it clear that he believes that the American dream is no more than an ideological concept.Fitzgerald’s definition of the American dream is different from the stereotypical concept of this American ideology. The popular belief of the American dream is often associated with economic independence and prosperity illustrated through material wealth. However, Fitzgerald’s view of the American dream transcends material wealth and focuses on one’s emotional contentment. Fitzgerald portrays characters who are mostly of the highest echelons of society, but still feel dissatisfied with their life. Through the author’s eyes, if these individuals had truly achieved the American dream, they would not have felt these feelings of disappointment.Tom and Daisy Buchanan achieve the American dream on a materialistic plane; however, Fitzgerald shows how their monetary success fails to give them happiness which is supposed to come when one achieves the American dream. Fitzgerald describes Tom as an individual who is “forever seeking a little wistfully for [a] dramatic turbulence” (Fitzgerald 6). This shows Tom’s discontentment with his life despite his wealth. In order to compensate these feelings of discontentment, Tom has an affair with Myrtle Wil…

…uchanan represent the highest echelons of society who look anywhere to find happiness. Jay Gatsby also represents members of high economic statuses; however, Jay has a set idea of how to achieve happiness. Nick Carraway represents members of American culture who have achieved financial independence and are trying to live life honestly in hopes to achieve the American dream. Myrtle Wilson is a very unique character. Myrtle represents the lower levels of society in America. Myrtle tries to attach herself to a member of the highest echelons of society in order to achieve the American dream by getting a free ride there. Fitzgerald shows the numerous failed attempts of all these individuals to achieve the American dream to illustrate his own opinion on the matter. Fitzgerald portrays his belief that the American dream is an idea that can never be realized, only pursued.

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