Psychodynamics theory is founded on what Sigmund Freud dubbed as the”psycho analytic theory of personality”

Psychodynamics theory is founded on what Sigmund Freud dubbed as the”psycho analytic theory of personality”. Behavior in adults can be analyzed from the operational functions of the id, the ego and the super ego. The id responsible for the actions of the emotional or subconscious area within us, the ego is the part that rationalizes or the conscious mind, and the super ego addresses the area within us that deals with what is right and what is wrong. In summary, it’s responsible for the structuring and operation of the mind in humans. Human behavior is explained, which if left to self would be unexplainable. There are various theories that we can use to explain our unique behaviors, as well as their patterns. (PREETHAMOL, 2014)
Freud’s theory can be used to better understand the distinct desire that is found within certain characters as his theory states that personality development is formed through various conflicts among the three main structures of the human mind. Therefore it is safe to say that Freud can be credited for his role in the recognition as well as the evolving of the psychoanalytic theory in this film. Here we see where a Freud’s theory which is present in this particular film, the unconscious, subjectivity and sexuality are notable. “Repressed thoughts are the key to understanding neuroses. It can manifest in the form of dreams, nightmares and even forms of artistic activity” as quoted by Freud. With that said the main character’s psyche will now be interpreted in the film “The Black Swan.”
Nina’s character displays that of paranoia; she hallucinates and constantly hears voices, which from a keen eye can be associated from the rivalry of her mother whom she constantly aims to please, as well as her director who not only pushes her beyond limits, but also assaults her with his sexual advances. And to make matters worse she also has Lily to content with who makes her feel worthless and undeserving of the role that she so badly desire, she also suffers from an eating disorder and anxiety. All of these factors lead to her psychosis which would eventually lead her to her own demise. The movie was arranged in such a way that it brought to light the reality of the various mental disorders that we suffer with when we are face with challenging situations such as ; OCD, schizophrenia ,bulimia and self-harm which many suffer silently daily. This leads me to ask the question of whether the id is trying to overpower the function of the ego. Why is she displaying this sort of behavior? Her persona has somewhat been modified by Thomas who uses several techniques on the stage through the use of mirrors which depicts change in her persona. As a result the persona that was inactive in her has now become the driving factor which sees her becoming a much better performer. She becomes acquainted with the dark side she never knew existed, she also became more sexually stimulating which can be associated to what Freud termed the “Id”. Nina displays several behavioral patterns which depict the struggle being ensued between the id and the ego which often presents itself in the form a dream and what is real to her. She reaches the point where she is unable to deal with the emotional strain and becomes disturbed. Upon successfully completing her last evolution, where she accomplished becoming the “Black Swan” she is now at a point where she cannot turn back, she was able to triumphantly over power the id and the ego completely. The Black Swan was now a part of her and has now altered her persona so much so that there is no point of return.

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