Project Head Start is a favorable and government-funded program that has a belief that every child succeeds in life no matter what

Project Head Start is a favorable and government-funded program that has a belief that every child succeeds in life no matter what. President Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to design a program that would take care of the needs of the preschool child with low-income. With this idea, in 1964, President Johnson asked Sargent Shriver to come up with a group of child development experts to help with this project. This program was first launched as an eight-week summer program. This program was supervised by the Office of Economic Opportunity or Sargent Shriver in 1965. This program was established to make an attempt to destroy the image of poverty by giving the preschool child coming from low-income a way to accommodate their needs and also support the families when trying to better their lives. The main perception of Head Start is to grant the children of low-income families to have a voice. Head Start consists of four main phases. The phases Head Start go by are researching, educating, involving, solving.
To start things off, the Head Start organization’s first phase is researching. In this phase, there is a group of people working with the program scouting partnerships and attempting to make relationships with the remarkable people to exploit their work positively. Informing people about the Head Start program is essential to exploiting the program. With that being said, the second phase of Head Start is educating. In this stage, you will find coaching authority, academic opportunities and overall help. Involving the community is another way to get the program out there. The third stage of Head Start is involvement. Here, you will scout and attract probable associates. These associates are normally community leaders and are also people who are not of the early childhood community. The final stage of the Head Start program is solving. Experts will think of strategies, create control systems and lecture about the pros, cons, and opportunities Head Start is experiencing. These four stages are what Lyndon B. Johnson called the “War against Poverty.”
The so-called “War on Poverty” was declared by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. Johnson and the Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, Sargent Shriver, looked for and gathered a group of experts who developed the program to aid families of low-income. This was how Head Start came to be. Head Start has provided services for over 32 million children and families since 1966. According to President Lyndon B. Johnson, this program is “one of the most constructive, and one of the most sensible, and also one of the most exciting programs that this nation has never undertaken (Report).” Fifty years later, President Obama was soon involved with the Head Start program and supported the cause right away. He said, “For millions of families, Head Start has been a lifeline. And for millions of kids, it’s been the start of a better life (Report).” After this encounter with President Obama, there was soon a proclamation. This proclamation was about how President made Congress to bless every child in the United States with the ability to attend an excellent preschool and an all-day kindergarten. Head Start is not like any other program. While the other programs are privately funded, Head Start is a federal funding program. There was an act passed in 2007 under the rule of former President Bush’s administration. This act was attempting to better Head Start for school readiness. Most of the work fell to the Obama administration. Before President Obama’s term was over, he increased Head Start funding. Unfortunately, the increased funding disappeared after two years, but luckily it assisted services for thousands of children and families during the time of economic poverty.

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