Preparing nanostructured Ni2P can improve the activity for OER

Preparing nanostructured Ni2P can improve the activity for OER.
Zheng et al. 27. have observed that for OER in 1.0M KOH, Ni2P-6 exhibits ? of 142 mV for 10 mA cm?2. Besides, Wang et al. 34. have observed that for OER in 1.0M KOH, the Ni-P NS (NS: Nanosheet) exhibit ? of 190 mV for 10 mA cm?2 . Moreover, Tang et al. 54. have observed that for OER in 1.0M KOH, the NiP exhibits high OER activity (? of 309 mV for 10 mA cm?2), while it is prepared by electrodeposition method.
Preparing nanostructured Ni(OH)2 can improve the activity and stability for OER. Rao et al. 31. have observed that for OER in 1.0M KOH Ni(OH)2 NS (NS: Nanosheets) exhibits ? of 170 mV for 10 mA cm?2.
Preparing porous nickel sulfide can improve the activity and stability for OER. You et al. 32. have observed that for OER in 1.0M KOH, the p NiSx (p: porous) exhibits ? of 180mV for 10mAcm?2.
The introduction of N anions in the Ni3S2 can change its electronic structure and morphology, and that enhance its electrical conductivity and affords huge active sites, and that improve its activity and stability for OER. Chen et al. 57. have observed that For OER in 1.0M KOH
N-Ni3S2 exhibit negligible current decay at ? of 320mV for 2.7 h, while it exhibits high OER activity (? of 350mV for 170mA cm?2).
Preparing uniform distribution of cationic metals in metal–organic frameworks (MOF) can serve as the catalytically active sites, and that can improve the durability and activity for OER. Liu et al. 58. have observed that For OER in 1.0M KOH, the Ni-MOF exhibits high OER activity (? of 320 mV for 100 mA cm?2),while it is prepared by hydrothermal treatment at 125 °C for 12 h.

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