PHYS CO2e the amount of carbon dioxide

PHYS 1002ID-D606Prof. BlakeCheng WangNov/09/2018renewable energyAfter the industrial revolution worth and worth every day, people are starting use non-renewable resources such as mineral, ore, coal petroleum, and natural gas. Non-renewable resources are natural resources that are not naturally replenished once they have been used. Nonrenewable resources can be used up completely or consumed to such a degree that they become economically inaccessible.

Also, some of the non-renewable resources are causing our climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most prevalent greenhouse gas, but other air pollutants such as methane, also cause global warming. Different energy sources produce different amounts of these pollutants.

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To make comparisons easier, we use a carbon dioxide equivalent, or CO2e the amount of carbon dioxide required to produce an equivalent amount of warming. Right now, people are using renewable recourses to replace the non-renewable resources such as solar, wind power, and hydroelectric energy.Wind turbines and solar panels are an increasingly common sight. But why? What are the benefits of renewable energies—and how do they improve our health, environment, and economy?The first renewable energy resource is solar. Solar power is the uses of the sun’s energy either directly as thermal energy in solar panels and transparent to generate electricity. Solar power is easily to collect. Solar power uses multiple lenses to collect the sun’s energy.

Thermal energy collected through the day is typically applied to oil or molten salts that retain heat to boil water for steam turbine generators throughout the night.The second renewable resource is Wind Power. To obtain wind power, the kinetic energy of wind is used to create mechanical power. Most of the wind power collect station is closed to the ocean or high mountain because those area have a strong wind that can make more power for human to used.

 Wind energy can be used to pump water or generate electricity but requires extensive areal coverage to produce significant amounts of energy. There are some advantages for us if we are using the wind power. The main advantages include an unlimited, free, renewable resource, economic value, maintenance cost, and placement of wind harvesting facilities. in addition, according to the research: “the 3 billion kWh of electricity produced by America’s wind machines annually displace the energy equivalent of 6.

4 million barrels of oil and avoid 1.67 million tons of carbon emissions, as well as sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions that cause smog and acid rain.” (1) In other hand, the more wind power we are using the less smog we are getting. The third renewable resource is Hydroelectric energy. Hydropower, generated mainly from hydroelectric dams, is a clean, renewable, non-emitting source of energy that provides low-cost electricity and helps reduce carbon emissions. This form uses the gravitational potential of elevated water that was lifted from the oceans by sunlight.

 It is not strictly speaking renewable since all reservoirs eventually fill up and require very expensive excavation to become useful again. At this time, most of the available locations for hydroelectric dams are already used in the developed world. Water power offers a number of advantages to the communities that they serve. Some of the benefits that hydropower has over other methods of providing energy. Hydropower is fueled by water, so it’s a clean fuel source, that’s mean we don’t need to burn fossil fuels to make the power.

Also, when people build the hydroelectric dams are not only for crate energy, it also can help us to protect the flood.

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