People rich in carbohydrates, provides energy, is able

People who have breakfast regularly enjoy quality of life, organized, positive and have a better focus. The choice of breakfast, especially rich in carbohydrates, provides energy, is able to withstand hunger and control the desire to eat between breakfast and lunch. This indirectly brings a positive influence on the individual to carry out his or her duties, either at school, even if it only takes a light breakfast of a piece of bread and a cup of coffee. Although there are plenty of options for breakfast such as nasi lemak, noodles or fried, but many prefer a light and concise breakfast. These include bread, grains eaten with milk and fruit juices which are unknowingly supplied many properties such as Vitamin A, B and D, iron, calcium and zinc. Though, on the negative side, eating high-fat breakfasts too often has recently been demonstrated to increase the risk of atherosclerosis (McFarlin et al., 2016).

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