Parental about her future and her children

Parental separation, may eventually benefit both the child and parents, depending on the family background and surroundings.

Parental stability, social supports, temperament, child’s age and resiliency which influences on the child and family mainly. The most dramatic impact of divorce rate is on the children. Firstly, children from families that experience a divorce and remarriage are more likely to drop out of school, have low academic score, disobey and break the school laws, drugs or alcohol addiction, and experiences emotional distress compared to children who grow up with both biological parents. Almost half of the children of divorced parents are found that having insecurity and expressed long term stress, where by it affects their social and work relationships.

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The child might lose time with their parent too. Perhaps, to build a good relationship between parents and children, a parent need to adjust their packed schedule and spent time with their beloved children. Thus, parents may not have as much emotional strength and time to invest in parenting. Although laws change from time to time, most children spend more time with one custodial parent and obviously have less time with each parent overall. For most children, this means much less time spent with their fathers. The child may also spend less time with their mother as she may need to work longer hours to support the family.Next, the child might lose emotional security.

Child may have a weakened relationship with his/her mother and father because divorced mothers are less able to provide emotional support because she is too stress thinking about her future and her children too, while divorced fathers spend less time with their children because the love towards family members in him might be lack. The child may also lose family relations, traditions, and celebrations. Adult children whose adult parents divorced also experienced the loss of family traditions and severance of celebrations.

Apart from that, child may have decreased social and psychological maturation for instance college students whose parents were divorced were more likely to experience verbal onslaught and savagery from their partner during conflict judgement and may have lower scores on social relations. In addition, child might be less physically healthy. This can be proven based on a study that stated that almost one million children in Sweden validate that children growing up with single parents were double to experience a serious psychiatric disorder, commit or attempt suicide, or develop to an alcohol addiction.

Children living with single parents are less likely to experience upward financial mobility. In another study declared that the ratio of the children living in single-parent is the strongest negative interact of upward income mobility. In my point of view, I feel that the most dramatic impact of divorce rate is on the children as they affected the most in the aspects of education, mental health, violence and more.Parents who divorce also experiences effects on their financial, physical, emotion and health as well , which may also affect their children at the same time.

Married people are more likely to have better physical health compared to divorced couple. Why it is say so, because married people smoke and drink less compared to divorced couple. Divorced couple tend to drink and smoke more as they feel lifeless and stress after their divorce. Married men are less likely to commit suicide than men who are divorced or separated. Married men had a 46 percent lower rate of dying from cardiovascular disease than unmarried men. Married women are physically safer than divorced or separated women.

Married and widowed women experienced less affectionate partner violence than divorced or separated women. Divorce may have inimical long-term emotional effects for parents. Half of the women and one-third of the men were still angry with their former spouses, stated in Wallerstein’s long-term study. Only 10 percent of divorces did both partners feel they achieved happier lives and one-fourth of the older divorced men remained stranded and lonely perhaps one-third of the women and one-fourth of the men felt that life was unfair and disappointing. One study demonstrated that those who were unhappy in their marriage when first surveyed, but remained married, were likely to have an improved relationship and be happier five years later than those who divorced.

About 25% of custodial mothers become compromised by depression and emotional distancing from their children after the separation process while after a divorce, parental conflict over child care issues places children at particular risk for behavioural and emotional problems. Substance abuse by either parent may be a factor in parenting inadequacy. Parents must have a good understanding and should tolerate to each other once they got hitched, as their responsibility is much more bigger after marriage in order to support healthy marriages and to discourage them from divorcing.Divorce rate adversely affects the society as well. Firstly, divorce rate may diminish child’s future savvy and weakening the family bonding.

Divorce rate might contributing to early sexual experimentation leading to increased costs for society. It also adversely affecting religious practice divorce diminishes the frequency of religious worship. Perhaps, diminishing a child’s learning capacity and educational attainment besides reducing the household income. Divorce rate also affects the increase in crime rates and substance use, with associated societal and governmental costs.

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