Overcoming communication – smiling, eye contact, gentle

Overcoming the communication barriers requires a vigilant observation and thoughts of potential barriers in a particular instance of communication.

Strategies to overcome communication barriers will be different in different situation depending upon the barriers present, it may be in many diverse form.Evaluating past communication helps see where improvement can be made. If I want others to be open to me, I have to open myself first. I have to ensure that the person I am communicating with not only hears but understands the statement I am going to make.There are many different strategies which can be used to overcome barriers to communication. One of the important one is a proper relationship with people who use the service it involves listening skills together with appropriate verbal nonverbal communication – smiling, eye contact, gentle tone of voice, showing interest, nodding head slightly when talking “I see”, “I understand”, “I agree”. It is very important to build an understanding of people we work with in health & social care.

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People very often will let you know about their preferred way of communication.All the skills of recognising and overcoming barriers to communication will be useful to avoid situation such as aggression. • Reflecting listening skills are vital in order to make the other person feel included. Empathy may come very useful.

• Try communicating without judging, instead view situation and responses from the other person perspective. • Make people feel welcome, wanted and valued and appreciated in communication. Focus on what you want to communicate. • Always aim to communicate on an equal basis and avoid patronizing people.

• Encourage open and honest feedback from the receiver to ensure your message is understood. • If confidentiality is an issue, make sure it boundaries are known and ensure is maintained. • Learn to troubleshoot and resolve problem and conflict as they arise. • Learn how to be effective mediator and negotiator. • Encourage and facilitate people to talk to each other. • Maintain positive attitude and smile when things do not go to plan, stay optimistic and learn from your mistakes. • Some communication scenarios by their nature are stressful.

Stress can however be a major barrier to effective communication, all parts should try to remain clam and focused. • As often as possible speak face to face, it will convey much more meaning than over the phone or through email. • Very important part of management activities are meetings. Meetings are multipurpose, they aim at discussing feedback and receiving feedback on the spot. Meetings involve all people working for the company as well as service users and their relatives.

A successful effective meeting is well planned if about its time, venue and agenda. They are very productive and creative, they are giving opportunity to everyone to present their view.

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