One of the most frequent cancer-related deaths is Colorectal Cancer

One of the most frequent cancer-related deaths is Colorectal Cancer (CRC), Its fourth in globally, reported with 1.4 million (9.7%) cases worldwide 1,2. In Saudi Arabia, CRC for men the most common cancer type and women the second most common 3.
Cytokines, chemokines and growth factors are small soluble proteins that mediate and regulate immunity and plays a role in the cancers including CRC. The production of these soluble proteins by a tumour itself 4,5. In biological ?uids, i.e. serum or plasma and tissues are undetectable generally because of the concentration of these proteins is very low. Growth factors concentration is an increase in cancer development including CRC6.
The prognostic role of preoperative serum Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in colorectal cancer patients has not previously reported 7.
Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), a peptide growth factor can promote proliferation, motility, morphogenesis, and angiogenesis in many types of cells, including various tumour cells 8-11. The concentration of HGF in the serum or cancer tissue of cancer patients and the progression of disease has reported. This relationship is in patients with breast, gastric, bladder, prostate, lung cancers and colorectal cancer12-16. A possible role for preoperative serum HGF as a potent predictor of prognosis in CRC patients17.
In regulating tumour angiogenesis, the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) family plays a determinant role. VEGF induces cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration of vascular endothelial cells 18.
There are ?ve structurally related VEGF ligands: VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D, and placental growth factor (PlGF) 19.
Furthermore, raised preoperative VEGF serum levels shown to associated with decreased disease-free20 in patients with CRC. However, tumour angiogenesis and preoperative VEGF serum levels are not used in the clinical practice because they have not been able to improve the prognostic value of tumour stage.
In this study, we explored the pro?le of vital growth factors of soluble proteins EGF, HGF, VEGF using magnetic bead-based Luminex Multiple Analyte Profiling (xMAP) technology and mRNA expression.
Serum derived from CRC patients used as the test samples against the control samples from the serum of the healthy donors (N). Concentration levels of these soluble proteins evaluated if they were signi?cantly di?erent between the groups. This approach also allows us to explore the feasibility of the technique for future biomarker screening assay that might be useful in the early diagnosis and surveillance of patients.
We propose that the di?erent groups of soluble proteins may have pro-in?ammatory or pro-tumorigenesis e?ects. Thus, the results could be useful for the development of a biomarker panel that is speci?c for CRC. It will be useful to support the Immunoscore technique which routinely used in clinical diagnosis. Also, the soluble proteins may represent targets for directed therapy approaches and allow discrimination of sera derived from CRC and in early diagnosis.

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