Olive biosorbent

Olive biosorbent (OB): Olive tree legs and green leaves were cut to small particle size followed by washing with water, drying at 250 ?C and blending using food blender. Carboxy olive biosorbent (COB) preparation: 100 g of OB with 80 mL of concentrated HNO3 were heating in a beaker until brown foams finished, then washing with distilled water and methanol then drier at 80 ?C.
Olive/oleic bio-alkyd resin (OOBAR) Preparation: A 85 g of oleic acid with 28 g of glycerol were heated for 6 h. Then the product was heated with 15 g biosorbent 6 h, followed by adding 15 g of phthalic anhydride then heated 6 h. The final product was washed with distilled water then methanol and left to dry at room temperature then blending and sifting at 355 µm (0.0355 cm).

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