Motivation a research assistant by Prof. Dr.

Motivation letterI, Shamim Ahmed am basically a Forester. I have been graduated BSc (Hon’s) from Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline of Khulna University, Bangladesh. So far, I have secured 3.68 (in a scale of 4.

0) and stood the first position in my class. Living in the world with numerous problems and uncertainties, especially the adverse effects of climate change embolden me to do research on the ecological processes and carbon stocks of the Sundarbans mangrove forest. It is considered as a fecund and unique ecosystem which helps to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. During my bachelor’s degree programme at Khulna University, I was appointed as a research assistant by Prof. Dr. Md.

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Kamruzzaman to his research works to assist him and to understand the stand structure, Net Primary Production (NPP), regeneration status and phenological studies of some of the mangrove species. I conducted my undergraduate dissertation titled “Contribution of fine roots in carbon stock in relation with stand structure of Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh” under the supervision of Dr. Md. Nabiul Islam Khan, Professor, Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh.

I already have published three research articles on the peer-reviewed journal with collaborating Dr. Md. Karmruzzaman, besides, knowledge on the software like SPSS, R, etc. assisted me in this regard.Since I have a strong academic background in Forestry but due to my financial crises, I am unable to continue my postgraduate studies in either my country or abroad, therefore, I am applying for DAAD scholarship because I believe that the DAAD Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships among the others and master course curriculum of the University of Goettingen in tropical forestry and International forestry perfectly suits my profile and career prospects.

My career goal is to be a prominent forestry researcher. Therefore, I wish to work with research groups in the fields of forestry as well as in local universities to improve my research and natural resource management capacity by grasping the knowledge from this opportunity. The knowledge that will be gained through the studies of DAAD program I will be able to transfer my knowledge and experiences to my home country, where I intend to work in public sector or at higher educational institutions. I will be very grateful if this prestigious scholarship is granted for me to continue my higher study.

This opportunity will obviously improve my education and research capability as well as to adapt myself in a multi-cultural environment to facilitate my better career opportunities.This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to interact with students and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds coming from all over the world. This type of networking is vital for the integration of different ideas and perspectives pertaining to diverse global issues and will provide ample scopes to advent the culture of Germany as it is considered one of the best ethnically enriched county. Above all, I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of the scholarship program. I strongly believe that if I am granted this scholarship then it will not only empower my career development but also inspire me to utilize my full potentials. Moreover, I feel that as a potential master’s student at Goettingen, I can be benefitted through numerous challenging career opportunities.

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