
Molybdenum (Mo) has applications in many pharmaceutical and biological samples 1. Mo is an economically silvery-white transition metal which has five oxidation states from (+2) to (+6) with an atomic number of 42 and an atomic mass of 96 2, 3. Mo is a bio-essential metal for humans, animals, and plants. It has relatively low toxicity because of a component or co-factor of enzymes which are important for life, so without Mo, organisms can’t work and will show signs of deficiency 2-5. Metallic Mo offers many advantages like good corrosion resistance, excellent mechanical, thermal, electrical properties, high temperature and its melting point (2883 K) because of the low coefficient of its high thermal conductivity and thermal expansion. These excellent properties make it can be used in electronics, metallurgy, aerospace and electrical industries 6-9.

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