Many have attempted to challenge the case

Many have attempted to challenge the case, but the Supreme Court has always blocked the challenge. On an international spectrum, America cannot lawfully deny a child an education because of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration has been signed and ratified by the U.S., meaning that every right stated will be given to all of the people under its jurisdiction. Ratifying a UN act or law is like making an agreement or treaty with the whole world. If broken, a nation can suffer from punishments from the UN and other countries. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a leading council that is committed to providing basic education for all children. The United States is a part of this council, therefore has promised to work towards the goal of education for all.
Even though there are multiple laws ensuring the education of illegal immigrant children, people will still disagree. Every child does have the right to education, no matter its citizenship status. Some people think if a child is to be educated in the United States, the child should be at least an American citizen. The process of becoming a citizen is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. In America, a citizenship test, a green card, fluency in English, and proof of being 18 is required to become a citizen. It would be incredibly challenging to become a citizen as a school-age child. Being that the illegal immigrant child is most likely not 18, it would be impossible to apply for citizenship. Ignoring the age factor, the citizenship test is arduous part of becoming a citizen. The test costs $1,450, which extremely hard to obtain for anyone. The test itself is strenuous; the test is given orally and in English. The questions on the test are formidable; most adults don’t even know the answers to the test. For example, what is the economic system in the United States? It is a capitalist economy or a market economy. Most people don’t know these facts, but yet America expects a foreign, uneducated child to know? Forty-nine percent of the world doesn’t have access to the Internet, and 263 million children are not enrolled in school. Without the sources of attaining education, a child cannot attain the needed knowledge. The next challenge is getting a green card. A green card is a permit allowing a foreign national to live and work temporarily or permanently in the United States. It can take up to 18 months before a citizenship-seeking immigrant can get a green card. This does not in the 5 years a person must have a green card before applying for citizenship. The process of becoming a legal citizen is too long, costly, and complicated for a child.
Education is a right to every child without limitations. Children who lack education cannot contribute to society. Countries in Africa, Asia, or Central America can be overpopulated and face daily tragedy, such as disease, war, hunger, and thirst. As more problems arise in other countries, more families seek refuge in safe, free countries like America. An educated child may one day aid or fix the problems in third-world countries. If people will continue to disagree about the education of illegal immigrant children, solutions are available. While a child is attending school in America, the child could go through citizenship process with the help of a counselor or State official. By the time the child would graduate from school, it would be a legal citizen who can contribute to society. The child would become equally as “productive” as a natural born citizen. What is the point of having illegal immigrant children come to America and not contribute? There will always be illegal immigrants, but they can become a part of society with the help of education. Every child deserves an education, and not a single human has the right to take that away from a defenseless, knowledge-seeking child.

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