Left or Right? Essay

According to J.K Rowling, “It is our choices that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities.” This conclusion postulates that it does not matter whether a person is fragile or robust, brilliant or dull, gifted or challenged, it is the choices that they make in life that crystallize who they are as people. Yet, can these words be ripped from their simple format and be plastered to the pillars of life themselves? For example, does the child protege always have the will power to use their knowledge and select the right path? Or does the godlike athlete always think twice before taking a third steroid pill that week? In other words, this statement truly holds the glittering gold of truth and is often exhibited throughout society, and frequently through history as well. Two pieces of literature that clearly demonstrate this idea of a person’s personal building blocks being their decisions are the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck and the Epic Poem, The Odyssey, by Homer. These texts both support this observation by requiring the protagonist to formulate great decisions that define them as people and what will be in store for them later in life.Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, portrays the hard–done-by life of two California labours, who form an unlikely bond and cling together in the face of alienation. The Novel exhibits the idea of the thirst for companionship when cast into the abyss of loneliness, while unveiling the horrors and strife that the labours of the south endured during the 1930’s. Throughout the plot, one of the protagonist, George, continuously carries through with several decisions that define him as a character and subsequently, as a human being. For example, at the beginning of the story, Geo…

…her than what they are capable of. In Of Mice and Men, the main protagonist George makes a choice to stay with his friend Lennie, even though he says he would be better of without him. Through, his choices, he is described to be a compassionate, understanding, and mature person which makes him supremely different from the other ranch hands in the novel. Likewise, in the Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus calculates several decisions that reveal his wit, resourcefulness, pity, and courage, all of which define him as an epic hero. More over, each author in their own way, preferable focuses on the options the characters choose for themselves and how they are or became the basic building blocks of their humanity. Ultimately, your abilities can be fashioned and built up over the course of many years but, no life altering decision is ever made twice, and neither is each person.

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