Knowledge, Questioning, and Discovering Is What Leads Us to the Divine Providence

In C.S. Lewis’ essays Learning in War Time and On Living in an Atomic Age there is a reoccurring theme. The theme displayed in both essays was not to be distracted in times of crisis and continue living. Lewis believes one must work through the threats faced in this world. Working and living through these times consists of one acting to the fullest humanistic potential. The humanistic acts Lewis believes one should abide by are to enjoy life, to seek knowledge, to question everything, and discover the power of the “Creator,” God. Following the route mapped out by God will lead us to a fulfilling life ending when He is ready for us in His kingdom. God’s Divine Providence is what upholds our natural world. One must ignore the threats of life and focus on God’s Divine Providence.According to Lewis it is important to seek knowledge even in times of struggle and crisis. This was an important point in the essay Learning in War Time. The mission to seek knowledge is one of our duties and as Lewis says, “every duty is a religious duty, and our obligation to perform every duty is therefore absolute.” (Lewis 9) By saying this enforces the idea that seeking knowledge is our duty and is necessary to live according to God’s Divine Providence. To achieve the fulfilling life God has planned for each of us, we must strive to succeed everything we are capable of. The culture one creates when seeking knowledge creates a greater duty than when one simply gives up. A less extreme form of this could be a college student. College students are put through a lot of self-inflicted stress and anxiety. The hard time one has with the work load might be their own crisis. Instead of the student feeling overworked causing them to skip class or give up. Some …

…God and our planned routes. It takes us the ability to ignore the threats tempting us to quit to live out a life devoted to God’s Divine Providence.Both essays together give us a formula to achieve a life devoted to God and the plans He has for us. We need to enjoy life by seeking knowledge, questioning life, and discovering or God and the route He has planned. The threats we face in life should not hold us back we need to push on and uphold the life we are blessed to have. We need to focus on working through calamities and focusing on our true mission to God. There will never be a time in one’s life where there is no struggle or hardship. Dwelling over these constant hardships will never help us we must continue carrying out our duties. Lewis has a view on life that I agree with. I agree that all our duties are religions duties and help bring us closer to God.

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