INTRODUCTION The aim of this assignment is to critically consider the strength based model providing examples of their use in a disability service of my choice

The aim of this assignment is to critically consider the strength based model providing examples of their use in a disability service of my choice.
The strength base procedure is a social work practice theory that focuses on peoples self determination and strengths. The client is involved in his/her care plan. A motivational interviewing is done to find out what the client wants.
The clients have more knowledge than they think. The goal will be the needs, wants and aspiration of the client. This is an alternative to the pathology-orientated approach in helping clients, instead of focusing on client’s problems and deficits the strength perspective centres on clients abilities talents and resources.
Strength base approaches pays attention to the inherent strengths of individuals, families, groups, and organisations.
The primary aim of this assessment is on what the client is doing right in relation to goals and visions. (Early and Gleymaye, 2000).
Assessment identifies personal strength and natural abilities to help acquire resources in the community that will help to complete their goal to recover fully. This examines different aspects of a person’s life, such as daily living, financial, social, spiritual and recreational themes. It helps to identify and clarify the present, the past with regards to this different aspects and to create a vision for the future.
The assessment will help to identify specific goals. A Personal Plan is drawn with the client which enables huge goals to be broken into small achievable steps, responsibilities is then shared between the client and the support worker. The support worker should seek to know the patient’s goals and aspirations before they hear evidence of his or her past problems, mistakes, or weakness.
Coordination involves activities done by interacting regularly with clients to assure service needs are met. Including assessment and evaluation, with continuous service planning and monitoring. the case manager initiates an assessment of the client’s strengths, needs and potential solutions to the problems. Then, a case plan that addresses the client’s treatment and other resource needs is developed. That means the case manager will help coordinate a comprehensive plan of services and informal supports for an individual of family.
The strength of Strength-based models is to assist a population of persons with mental illness to make the transition from institutionalized care to independent living. It enables to be implemented by the principle of the model which is focusing on assisting the client to utilize his or her strengths and assets as the vehicle for acquiring needed resources. However, the weakness is that if there is too much focusing on the strengths, problems may be ignored. People also may not be able to address some new ideas or make changes if they only perform on their own strengths.
The strength-based model works with disables with sufficient strength to achieve self-improvement. However, if one suffers from severe disabilities, it will be difficult to find an outstanding strength to carry out the activities of the strength-based model. Due to the limitation of the disables, their strengths are not able to be effectively applied and implemented, not to mention the enhancement of them
The strength of the strength based model is that it is easy to be carried out because it is based on the client’s needs and ability so the client will be very cooperative during the treatment. And the psychological needs of the client are easily to be met so the confidence will be built to the client. It is very good to the client’s mental health. Besides, the client’s strengths are well maintained and developed. But the weaknesses of this kind of model are also obvious. It is because this kind of model only concerns about the strength so the weakness of the client has been ignored. But at many times the weakness plays the main role of whether the treatment is successful or not so the weaknesses can’t be improved.

The patients are assisted in re establishing an awareness of internal resources such as intelligence, competence and problem solving abilities ; establishing and negotiating lines of operation and communication between the patient and external resources; and advocating with those external resources in order to enhance the continuity, accessibility, accountability and efficiency of those resources.
The strengths assessment and plan are being used. It provides information to research, supervision and case load planning goals. The supervisors can check on the status of individual on their caseload. Those reports also show the amount of work being conducted in the various life domains, the frequency of goal being completed; and the relationship between various patient profiles and their success in completing goals.

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