Introduction Little research has been carried out about how technology produce students with academic excellence

Little research has been carried out about how technology produce students with academic excellence. Before to proceed in detail about the technology produce students with academic excellence, let focus on the innovation in education. Innovation in education has create a sample wide collection of new visions for education all over the globe. Many sets of learning conditions have figured out the worth, amount, or quality of technology in their efforts to rebuild teaching and learning. Most of the books defines innovation of new things as the putting into use not just of new ideas, knowledge and practices but also of improved ideas, knowledge and practices (Kostoff & Mitchell (2003). Innovation of new things is as a result different from advance or change, which do not mean the use of create something new, nor do they point to/show the use of improved ideas or knowledge (King and Anderson, 2002).

Innovation in education is a very controversial subjects which means something that causes arguments between people subject. When it comes to education ministers, there is a sudden impression that groups of schools and ways of teaching in general are slow and unwilling to create something new and that there is strong resistance to change among teachers. Education is sometimes seen as one of the most traditional social systems and in the areas of public policy. The innovation in education that have too many changes are forced on people that can caused an inconvenient situation without much discussion with other people or the necessary qualifications to successfully put into use the change. In some countries, new and interesting change has been put into use without the necessary care and appropriate pre-testing, testing and process of figuring out the worth, amount, or quality of something. This argument should not discourage from looking at the facts. The facts clearly show that ways of teaching face serious problems that, if not respected, could create serious risks not only for education but also for future money-based growth, social progress and well-being. Since the mid-twentieth century ways of teaching have grown very and peoples have never been more educated than they are today. Developing countries are now also unstoppable expanding their ways of teaching, given that education is a very important ingredient in modernization and progress. In fact, the benefits for people and companies with more education remain impressive.

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According to Ball et al. (2006), he does some research about the effect of employing wireless handheld technology by students on related to school and learning excellence in undergraduate ways of thinking and basic of money money-based studies courses by way of a measured experiment. One group of students which is experimental group were prepared with wireless handheld devices that allows interactive participation with standard money money-based studies games, multiple choice tests, and communication with the instructor during class time. The next group which is control group that is not given the devices. Assignments, exams, course content, and so on, were identical between these two groups. The results show that students in the experimental group earned the grades that were an average of 3.2 points higher than students in control group. So, it is clear that by using some new technologies can help students to be a good in academic excellence.

The research question as preferable by this studies, the basis this research is to respond to exploration questions which is;
1.Does internet give impact to students with academic excellence?
2.What can applications and software take place to influence academic excellence?
3.How does mobile technology help students to achieve their personal goals?
4. How does technologies in?uence their learning progress which is good or bad?
The research has 4 objectives to implement this studies are;
1.To define some issues about the use of technology in education institutions.
2. To show in a good way greater computer, use at school and experimental research on its effect.

3.Adapt educational institutional sets of learning conditions as computer ratios improve and digital learning useful valuable supplies base on internet increase.
4.Raise awareness among teachers, parents and policy-makers of the results of increasing technology in education.

The aim of this paper is to develop an entire people about innovation in education or specifically is the technology in education. This paper also to make everyone that is supposed to know such as among teachers, policy-makers and parents of the results of increasing technology in education. The paper followed by a program about technology in education, it is about academic excellence can achieve easier if applied the technology in education. The proposal of this paper will be conducted for students.

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