Introduction in every aspect of our daily

Introduction Communication can be defined as the ability to send and receive information from one person to another verbally or written.

It plays an important role in every aspect of our daily lives as well as in business the world. The first phase in the communication process is the transmission of the message; meaning someone say something the message is then received by another person. The communication process is effective when the receiver exhibits that he or she understands what was being communicated. Over the past few decades, the way in which we communicate has evolved so much that it is now possible to do business, access news sources and talk virtually with people around the world.

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This process which merges people into one society and allows us to function as one through technology is known as globalization. Globalization has made the world a different place than the one that our grandparents once knew. It has allowed for nations to share information with ease. Although the impact of globalization has had on communication has been significantly positive for most countries as it relates to culture, economy, and politics, at the same time it has also had a negative effect. This paper will examine both the positive and negative effects that globalization has on communication as it relates to culture, the economy, and politics.Cultural BenefitsThe effect of globalization has had on communication has offered many advantages to cultures in emerging nations. Prior to globalization, it was difficult to communicate with other countries quickly without it costing a lot of money let alone learn about them and their cultures.

The only thing we knew was what we read in a book or saw on the television which allowed us to make our own assumptions. Because of the devices that enhanced our ability to communicate and thrust us into globalization such as the internet, cable/satellite, and social media platforms, it is now possible to see what is happening around the world in real time. Allowing people from different cultures to learn from each other and have a better understanding of one another could help to alleviate misunderstandings caused by personal biases and prejudices. Economic BenefitsFrom an economic standpoint, the effect that communication has had on globalization is that it “compels businesses to adapt to different strategies based on new ideological trends that try to balance rights and interests of both the individual and the community as a whole. This change enables businesses to compete worldwide and also signifies a dramatic change for business leaders, labor, and management by legitimately accepting the participation of workers and government in developing and implementing company policies and strategies” (Pologeorgis, 2017).As a result of globalization, employees in businesses are communicating and exchanging knowledge with one another from around the world; providing companies the opportunity to utilize different skill sets from anywhere.

This allows companies to broaden their scope which ultimately leads to increased collaboration and advanced innovations, which could increase the bottom line.

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