Integrating surpasses an individual’s capacity to deal

Integrating a culture of trauma informed care in behavioral and mental health institutions in the state of Indiana.Clear statement of the problem or issue in context Behavioral and mental health institutions must integrate a culture of trauma informed care across their organizations and other health related systems.Ninety eight -percent of individuals who are served or seek behavioral health services have experienced trauma ( Samhsa , 2012).There is also strong relationship between history of trauma survivors and seeking mental illness in mental facilities.Studies show that there is a strong possibility of re-traumatization of survivors in mental health facilities due non TIC (Deegan, 1993) Trauma denotes an event or events that result in powerful physical and mental stress responses.

Psychological trauma is a form of damage to the mind that ensues because of a harshly stressful episode in life. Trauma is frequently an outcome of a devastating amount of stress that surpasses an individual’s capacity to deal with it, or process the events related to the hurtful experience.(SAMHSA,2012).Trauma-informed care (TIC)is a strengths-based agenda that is rooted in consideration of, and sensitivity to the effects of trauma suffered by the survivor. It accentuates the physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both employees of organizations who encounter survivors, by encouraging and exploring opportunities for survivors to regain a sense of control. Assimilating a trauma informed culture and method in mental and behavioral health associated systems is aimed at decreasing the detrimental effects of trauma and violence on patients, families and societies.

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(Zagorski, 2018)Clear statement of the policy implications for the problemMental and behavioral health facilities, are places where traumas is likely to be re-experienced.In the state of Indiana ,mental health institutions must therefore, integrate a culture of trauma informed care when providing care for mental health seekers.A trauma informed organization operates on the presumption that all individual served may have experienced some trauma. Therefore an intentional focused approach is taken to educate by members of the organizations frontline staff to administrators on trauma sensitivity from first encounter until discharge from the facility. Are the organizational process geared toward providing a safe environment for the survivor against retraumatization. For example are intake workers trained in TIC when asking questions such as prior sexual abuse? Is the staff aware of their own feelings when coming in contact with the survivor before asking those questions? Unequipped staff and symptom management and dealing with their own personal trauma increase risk of retraumatization.The policy will look at Re-traumatization and traumatization in Mental Health facilities are a result of practicing a non Trauma Informed Care (TIC) approach when encountering survivors of trauma.

The focus of care in a non-TIC approach focused on symptom management in efforts to eliminate the behavior/ symptom presents the the individual a victim and but TIC present them as a strong survivor.Providers of mental health services equipped with the knowledge of TIC understand that symptoms/ behaviors presented are coping strategies that are formed from experiencing some form of trauma.

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