“In includes rules pertaining to how courts should

“In the absence of a written constitution, the Parliament is the sovereign law making power incapable of limiting its own power, or being limited by an external power.”
When there is no written or codified constitution, the doctrine of Parliament supremacy arise as a principle factor giving authority to the exercise of government power within the UK. It is also called as Parliament sovereignty. The doctrine of Parliament supremacy is a set of rules that indicates how courts should approach Acts of Parliament. This includes rules pertaining to how courts should handle contradictory provisions or Acts, as well as the status attached to an Act of Parliament. This doctrine recognizes Parliament as the supreme, sovereign law making body within the UK. The rules that make the doctrine of Parliament Supremacy are derived in a number of sources such as, case law, conventions, statute law and important documents.
Prof A.V. Dicey states the three points definition and classification of doctorine of Parliament Supremacy

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