Identifying the Agenda The project started by identifying agenda that will be addressed by the design of the building

Identifying the Agenda
The project started by identifying agenda that will be addressed by the design of the building. The preliminary agenda for this project were Education, Environment, Commerce and Livelihood. The agenda were chosen to address modern day problems: Education plays a vital role in every endeavor that humans wish to pursue; Environment, at present, is one of the primary concerns of the society; Commerce plays a vital role in the Economics of the nation; Lastly, Livelihood answers the micro-enterprise aspect of whichever site this project will be located.Preliminary Proposed Project
Several proposed projects were considered to address the agenda. Considerations in choosing the projects include the viability of the project. Sub-agenda were generated to validate preliminary agenda of this study.Consultations for Approval of Topic
The research, program chair and thesis adviser were consulted and Data gathered were processed to create a project proposal. After several consultation and recommendation, a LEGAZPI OASIS: BOTANICAL RESEARCH CENTER AND ECO-TOURISM PARK was decided to be the final topic for this project.Addressing the Agenda
The chosen site and the proposed project must be one in answering the preliminary agenda, Education, Environment, Commerce and Livelihood. To address the primary agenda, the sub-agenda of the chosen project served as a guide in brainstorming the design for the project proposal. However, on the course of the design, Commerce and Livelihood agenda were dropped from the preliminary agenda and were replaced by Leisure agenda. The reason for this is to have a proper unity with the other two agenda, Education and Environment.

Identifying Needed Data
Preliminary research was done to be familiar with the chosen site. Utilizing the Google Maps, vicinity map of the site was checked to see if the proposed project is viable for the community. Also, with the help of the internet, the address of government offices which can help with the data gathering were identified. A site visit and consultation with these government offices were arranged.Ocular Inspection and Collection of Relevant Information
The site was inspected to determine if it’s viable for the proposed project. Contextual elements and problems were identified during the observation of the site. Government offices with jurisdiction over the site were visited to acquire necessary information. Data such as Base Map, Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), Contour Map, Hazard Map, Land Capability Map, Protected Area Map, River Map, and Soil Sustainability map were gathered during the visit. The City Engineer was also consulted to identify the vacant lot not owned by Private Corporation and to identify which lot will be perfect for the proposed project.

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Site Selection After several consultation and recommendation, a shortlist of sites was selected. Guided by the agenda, a process of elimination was made to identify the final site for the project proposalConsiderations in choosing the sites include the size of the lot, community in the area, and the viability of the land for a project. After several considerations, the undeveloped eco-park in agna homapon was chosen.

Analysis of Data
The data gathered during the ocular inspection and visit to government offices were analyzed based on context and agenda. Site Analysis, such as sun path, hazard maps and topography were done to prepare for the design process.

Review of Related Study and Research about Environment and Botanic garden
Research was done to identify studies and precedents related to the proposed project. Information about botanical garden were reviewed to be familiarized with each facility and decided which one will fit in the proposed project. Studies about Conservation and Environment Awareness were read to learn how to incorporate these topics in the botanic garden design. It was then decided to have a separate exhibit representing each garden in the proposed project. Information about Plant species and its habitat were reviewed to facilitate in the design of the proper conditions of the plants. To integrate learning with nature, it was decided to have an experiential garden which will foster Environment Awareness.Consultation with experts
An expert in the field of Botany was consulted to identify the steps needed to make the garden as experiential as possible. Recommendations were given by the expert on how to create a learning experience for the environment. A botanist was also consulted for the design of the conservatory. Information like space requirements were given by the expert to help in the design of the conservatory.

Space programming
Spaces required for the project were determined through the recommendations of the experts. The proximity of spaces was designed with consideration whether this proximity will meet the goals laid out for each space. The programming was made to address not only the needs of the project but also to anticipate and prepare for future needs.

Schematic design and Massing Studies
The space programming dictated the Schematic design in the general scope and conceptual design of the project including scale and relationships between building components and nature. Massing studies was based on the required area of each space and the distinct pattern of the site.
Assessment, Critique, Iteration and Evaluation of Faculty and Adviser
The space programming, schematic design and massing were presented to the thesis faculty and adviser. Recommendations were given by both parties to further improve the proposed spaces and massing.Revisions
Based on the recommendations of the thesis faculty and adviser, the spaces and the massing were revised. Massing was modified to become less rigid. Spaces were redesigned to follow museum standards
Design Development
The design of the proposed project was made by integrating all ideas gathered from observation, research and consultation outlined during the programming and fit within the scope defined by the primary agenda of the project. All information was translated into realistic and tangible objects keeping in mind the goals stated from the previous section.
During the course of the design, viable options were considered to provide the best solution for the design agenda. Goals made during the programming were refined and evaluated. Materials for the exterior and interior were scrutinized for their feasibility and durability. Every component that goes into the design of the building was considered in relation to the goals set during the space programming.

Consultation with Engineers for technical aspects of design
Consultations with experts were made to make sure the structural design of the building can materialize. Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing and Structural were also consulted with the engineers to make sure the building follows the engineering requirements for the design. Finalize Once the design was completed and technical aspects were done and consulted, the proposed project was reviewed. Plans were laid out and perspective (both exterior and interior) were rendered for presentation of the proposed project.

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