?I to others, and to give an account

?I wrote this book because I wanted to express my own feelings about race. I wanted to express how my life was affected by the intolerance of others, and how blacks struggled in America. I recorded my own life story in order to relate my life to others, and to give an account of life when I was young.

I felt it was important to document my own life, as I wanted others to be able to learn from my own life experiences. The different issues that emerge between other races or within races are important to document and understand. Everyone has a unique sense of race, but I think that it is key to work with each other to overcome racism. Even within race, there can be struggle. The color of your skin does not tell your value. My parents were accepted into white society, but I was sent to live with darker relatives.

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I identify more with my “black” side than my white side, which has brought me into struggle with the part of my family that is more white. The characters in this book were chosen as they explain my family heritage, and explain where I come from. My unique racial identity is explored through each of these characters, who help give background as to where I come from. The police officer I am related to helps to explain how racial identity can be misleading.

You are judged not on your actual heritage but on the way that you look. But, the fact I was raised by a black mother and raised by black relatives I am treated by people as being more white, because of the color of my skin. My relatives being confused for whites only shows how racial identity can be misunderstood.

I am often confused for a white person despite being black. Many of my relatives have struggled with the issues regarding race, and struggled with how society treats the appearance of individuals. I bring their experiences into my story to illustrate the issues of skin color. Each character I choose was chosen to give more examples of the issues faced. I was lucky to be seen as white by white people, as racism against blacks give me better chances than many blacks (who are darker than me).

My dark-skinned aunt denying her relationship to her own niece only shows how better treated lighter skin people are. It shows how blacks are given hassles for their skin color, and those who are related to blacks are given a harder time in life. Being seen as white allows for you to be fully accepting into white society, while if you were seen as black you would have a harder time fitting into white society. My own experiences are not enough to illustrate this point. Introducing my aunt as character allows for me to better frame the issue from another point of view.

It’s important to show another point of view as it helps us better understand the entire picture instead of just one side of the picture. Each one of these characters helps to explain the racial divide and it effects on the United States. The settings are picked in order to better explain the differences between regions of the US. The south is very different than the north, and their attitudes toward race are totally different.

Different settings help to create variety in the book and help to explain how people’s view towards race has evolved overtime. Exploring my ancestors lives helps me to better understand who I am, and how long these issues have persisted in American society.

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