I think yes

I think yes, because they’re not trying to promote sex; they’re trying to protect diseases and teenage pregnancy from teenagers in our world today. I don’t think that giving condoms to high school students is telling them to go ahead and have sex; It is giving them the ability to make the right choice if they do decide to have sex. Teenagers should get the message from their teachers about protected sex, some students think that give our condoms is going to encourage them into having sex even more but no.

Many people have suffered from different diseases because of unprotected sex; I don’t think that giving condoms to high school students is telling them to go already and have sex, I dont think giving them the power to make the right choice if they do decide to have sex. Condoms help reduce the spread of STDs. Every day thousands of teenagers are putting themselves at risk for pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and severe turmoil emotionally.

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The percentage of condom use among males who had already had used a condom every time went from 37% to 50%. The percentage of males reporting that they had used a condom the first time went from 46% to 56%. I really agree that condoms should be available in school, along with a sex on how and why to use condoms ; It is
important to educate teenagers about the use of condoms and how it stop the spread of HIV, AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and pregnancy. Teenagers need to know that having unprotected sex dangers them to come in contact with diseases that they can spread to others.
Sex is a big major decision with people of any age and While teens may struggle with sexuality, they would struggle more if their decision to have sex without a condom because of they’re embarrass to buy them; society puts a label on them as scum if they are having sex outside of marriage or a relationship.
In conclusion, teenagers should not be having sex at all. Not every teenager is going to have sex; however, this is a growing problem that is resulting in teenage mothers and deadly, even diseases. They should make the decision to at least provide some kind of protection.

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