
However, prevention of drug problems can employ knowledge about family dynamics to address personal and social concerns of family members that otherwise would lead to drug abuse, irrespective of family situation whether they are dysfunctional or unbroken kin. The substance abusers should be liable for all the difficulties and struggles they caused in their family instead of their parents (WHO, 1993). The issue on drug problem results to dysfunctional family. This is supported by a family situation in Ireland, which found that disturbed family life appears to be a major risk factor for drug use (Corrigan, 1986).
The increase in drug use can significantly result to negligence of parental responsibilities, improper approach in disciplining the children, and failure to provide emotional support to the family, which could possibly promote a negative impact to their children as they grow and later on have their own family. Other members of the family has a tendency to find solutions on their problems which could end up in a positive coping like looking of an employment or just wallow in illegal substance (Jurich, 1985). According to the Laguna Treatment Hospital, the negligence to parental responsibilities or failure to provide care for their children or physically hurting the members of the family is a clear indication that drugs is adversely destroying the family relationship. However, considering the negative impact of drug use to the family based on what is presented in the previous statements, there is also a high possibility that it could lead to a positive force that will encourage the family members with drug problem to undergo treatment (United Nations, 1994). On the other hand, in the context of adolescent drug use, social control theorists maintain that when adolescents are close to their parents, they feel obligated to act in non-deviant ways that pleases their parents. Therefore, there is high probability that they would likely refrain from drug use since their parents are opposed to their drug use (Rankin & Kern, 1994; Wright & Cullen, 2001).

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