Howard Garner is an American developmental psychologist and educator

Howard Garner is an American developmental psychologist and educator. He was born in 1943. With a mindset to change the world of education and psychology he developed 9 different intelligence methods to explain how every living human being learns differently. Statistics have proven that every individual actually does have their own learning style and when they truly discover their styles their learning improves. Since Garner’s intelligence methods have been discovered education has been seen on many different perspectives.
According to research from ( The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing is limited. After realizing this Garner decided to investigate how I.Q test are conducted, he then decided to revise the way IQ test are conducted by revising the test and breaking down the intelligence levels into categories. The multiple intelligence test developed for both children and adults gave them opportunities to find better ways to learn in more effective ways.
According to ( The first type of intelligence is naturalist intelligence. Naturalist intelligence is someone who is naturally smart. They are naturally able to distinguish and discriminate against living things while valuing evolution. Musical intelligence was also one of garner’s type of intelligence. Musical intelligence is seen in people who have the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners. The third type of intelligence Garner discovered was Logical-Mathematical intelligence. This intelligence type works well with people who love to work well with numbers. According to ( “Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. It enables us to perceive relationships and connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought; sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and deductive thinking patterns”. An individual with this type of intelligence has great problem-solving skills. These types of individuals are able to work around with numbers to their advantage.
Furthermore, the fourth type of intelligence is known as existential intelligence. Existential intelligence is seen in people who like to answer life’s questions about why they exist. They love to give life meaning even when things don’t seem to be going well. The fifth type of intelligence is known as interpersonal intelligence. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. In order for it to be effective there must be verbal and nonverbal communication. With this type of intelligence, you are able to see thing in different perspectives and feel the pain of others. Moreover, the sixth type of intelligence is bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. This type of intelligence is identified as body smart. Bodily – kinesthetic intelligence allows you to use your entire body. Physically you are able to move around freely in ways that others may not be able to move.
The last group of intelligences are Linguistic Intelligence, Intra-personal Intelligence, and Spatial Intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words by using language to express an individual’s thoughts. This type of intelligence allows people to appreciate complex ideals and their meanings. Intra-personal Intelligence is seen when a person is able to understand oneself, thoughts, and feelings. Intra-personal people are great at giving directions and planning their lives. The last type of intelligence is known as spatial intelligence. Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three different dimensions. They are able to think, imagine, and reason differently.
Before Learning about intelligence, I though intelligence was just measured by how much you know. Growing up in school I always thought that the smartest person was the person with the highest average. I believed that the common characteristics of an intelligent person were someone who studied always, knew how to apply concepts, and always remembered what they studied. I always thought an intelligent person never failed in life but I learned that all intelligent people fail at some point during their life time the only difference is that even when they fail they learn to rise stronger and better than they were before.
Using Howard Garner’s 9 different types of intelligence theories I believe that my personal intelligence type is Logical-mathematical. I say this because I work very well with numbers and mathematics. A person who has a Logical-mathematical intelligence type has the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations.
While researching Garner I leaned that intelligent people are highly adaptable. Intelligent people are not afraid to say that they don’t know or understand something. Facts have proven that intelligent people will actually practice a method well until they fully understand it. They are very open-minded people who love to ask questions and think outside the box. Intelligent people tend to be very adventurous because they love learn and explore new things. Surprisingly enough having a high level of intelligence has a lot to do with the order that you are born in. Studies have shown that in a family the first born child tends to be the smartest one. Although smart people may look neat and organize they are actually very messy. With the use of psychology, it also has been proven that breast feed babies grow up to be more intelligent adults.

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