Herbert Packer created two representations of the different views in the criminal justice system

Herbert Packer created two representations of the different views in the criminal justice system. In each representation he separated each opposing view into two categories, Liberal and conservative. The crime control model was more focused on old traditional values (conservative), and the due process model leaned towards liberal values.
The crime control model stressed that the criminal justice system should have more strict authority such as police power, to regulate the crime in society. It also favors that individual rights should be put side to preserve public safety. The model prefer that criminals should be presumed guilty and that the cases should e move quickly as the come.
The due process model is the ideal use that under the fifth and fourteenth amendment, the federal nor the state governments may deprive: of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” It underline the fact that the “defendants” rights are equally important as the rights of the victims being that the Bill of rights have laws simply for that purpose. It also stresses that government power should be limited to a certain extinct.
In my opinion, I believe that the Due process model is the best today. Being that our community is under a lot of pressure from all the police brutality of minority groups, typically African Americans, we should limit power in government, such as changing certain laws and police power.

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