Gurwinder Singh Amber Peterson Eng-100- 29 Oct

Gurwinder Singh
Amber Peterson
29 Oct, 2018
Impact of media on Youth
Media has continuously pervaded and defined society and has advanced with technology. For instance, people are relying on media such as newspaper, television, movies, music videos and video games. Media has potential to generate negative effect by enhancing the aggressive behavior. Children spend most of their time consuming voilent media. For instance, in movies they show content; forcible rape, aggravated assault and homicide that later in future includes physical assaults and spouse abuse makes them more aggressive and impulsive. Expose to violence in media causes long term negative effects on children, potentially making them more violent in their future (Craig, et al, 81). The two articles that I have chosen will be discussing about the different characteristics that leads to aggressive behavior in youth and a study conducted on aggression causes, hypotheses if voilent media is contributing to aggressive nature in children.
In the first article, “The Influence of Media Violence on Youth”, the author claims that exposure to the voilent media increases the aggressive behavior and its effects are for long term. The new media such as video games, internet has exposed the children to violence. Effecting the mostly adolescents, including the characteristics such as aggressive attitude, values, and behavior (Craig et. al,82). For instance, they try to imitate everything that is shown on media by implementing the behavior’s like; (verbal aggression) using vulgar language harming another person. Relational aggression, targeting the other person by back stabbing. Physical aggression, this type of aggression includes physical harming and is more severe as there is risk of serious injuries (Craig et al,82). Media can immediately increase the thoughts and tolerance of belligerence in the adolescents. For instance, in studies there is “an increased acceptance of physical aggression towards women” after the boys who has watched voilent sex scenes in the movies (Craig et al,81). Violence in television programs uses the aggression as narrative, cinematic device for simply entertaining the audience. Boys are more likely attracted to violent media than girls because media tend to cater the male’s audience and uses the males as lead character in media (Craig et al, 84). If talking about the music videos they sometimes contain voilent aggressive content that further contributes in their behavior (Craig et. al,89). Music genre such as heavy metal, rap that contains voilent scenes in their music videos and vulgar lyrics that compel the youngsters to imitate them and results in aggressive thoughts, anger, harming other (Craig et al, 90). However, the children who plays more voilent video games are more likely to have more violent behavior than those who do not. The repeated exposure to the voilent media can result in the long-term effects on aggression and violence (Craig et al, 93). The studies have shown that children who are exposed to the voilent social media in an early age exacerbate the effects. Adolescents is the age where they learn and explore new things, participating and interacting with fictional social media (Craig et al, 94). For instance, “cartoon characters in television or video games are not very realistic, but numerous randomized experiments have shown that exposure to voilent cartoonish behavior increases aggressive thoughts” (Craig et al, 94). Viewing too much social media initiates a physiological arousal that exhibit voilent thoughts and behaviors (Craig et al,96).
In the second article, “Does Aggression Cause a Preference for viewing Media Violence?”, the author is talking about an experiment that was conducted on a group of college going students that explains the causes of aggression that leads to the preference in viewing the violence. The relationship between aggressive behavior and observing violent media is correlated with each other. Observation of violence leads to the belligerent behavior (Fenigstein,2307). Allan Fenigstein states that the men were more likely in viewing the voilent media than the women due to their preferences (Fenigstein, 2309). They try to fantasize each and everything they will see on media. Author claims that gender differences simplify their film preferences and the socialization distresses acceptability of aggression (Fenigstein, 2311). Men’s preference in media could also be due to their masculine behavior says “Allan Fenigstein”. “Aggressive behavior increases the preference for viewing violence” (Fenigstein, 2312) it justified that a person who behave aggressively will select voilent media because it will arouse one’s aggressive behavior (Fenigstein,2312).
In both the articles the authors are arguing about the influence of media on youth. The author’s in the first article is giving the different characteristics and its long-term effects on the behavior of youngsters. However, in the second article the author states that the preference for the voilent media is because of one’s gender difference. I will be using these articles in my coming research essay, by generating a question on what the impacts of violence in media are and how to prevent its consequences.
Through this assignment work I get to know about the importance of work citations and how can one avoid getting plagiarism. Two standards of writing Academic research paper; MLA and APA and its role in different research papers. Work citation plays a crucial role in an academic writing or research papers. The work done on this assignment is going to be very beneficial for me in doing my research papers in the future. Back in my country, we don’t use any work citation method in writing research papers. So, that was quite challenging for me in learning it and implementing it in my research conversation.
To sum up all, Media is an inseparable part of our daily life. But we can prevent ourselves from its bad side. As it is being said that everything has pros and cons. It is up to us draw the benefit or harm.

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Anderson , Craig A. et al, “The influence of Media Violence on Youth.” Psychology Science in the Public Interest (2003): 81-110.
Fenigstein Allan,” Does Aggression Cause a Preference for viewing Media Violence? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1979): 2307-2317

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