Freedom in My Jim, by Nancy Rawles and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain

As the catalyst of dreams, freedom is yearned for, and defines all Americans.Life. Liberty. The Pursuit of Happiness. These ideas bring Americans together, andcreate a common definition for freedom. Freedom has become the genesis for some ofthe most influential revolutions in history. Though valued by many, it is also taken forgranted by those unaware of how much it truly costs. Only through hardship can onetruly find insight as to freedom?s true worth. Especially apparent in literature, it drivesnearly every character to action, and causes countless unions and divisions. Whileboth works explore the importance of freedom, The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn (1884) by Mark Twain is focused on the idea that freedom sparks a change inpeople; in contrast, My Jim (2005) by Nancy Rawles explores the idea that whilefreedom gives us a chance to explore new aspects of life, it may cost us ourinnocence.! Freedom as the catalyst for change is evident in many literary works; bestrepresented by The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Initially, Huck Finn is a boywith a very limited view of the world. His father is a drunk, which causes him to beshuffled between his true home and the widow?s estate. Consequently, Huck?srebellious nature (one that longs for freedom) is seen very early in the novel, with hisreluctance to be “sivilized”, and his escape to Jackson?s Island. Once the journey to freeJim begins, Huck?s level of self-confidence and understanding seems to skyrocket. It isvery evident that Huck enjoys life on the river, especially in the dialogue: “Other placesdo seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don?t. You feel mighty free and easyNoah BoksanskyBlock 68/26/10and comfortable on a raft.”…

…me point in their life. Sometimes, the questionall must face is what they are willing to give up to gain it. Though birds fly freely throughthe air, at times they need to land and rest for a while. Freedom is ours to manipulateand use as we wish, but once in a great while, we need to stop and think about whatcountless people have gone through in the past to gain that freedom. It comes at a pricethat some cannot begin to imagine. One may never know of the sacrifices that havebeen made throughout history to give us freedom, but an essential practice to follow isgiving thanks. For the freedom earned, for the sacrifices made, and the dreams that weare able to have. Many take it for granted, but one does not need to think in that way.See through the hardship, the challenges, the trials, and tests, and it will truly becomeclear that freedom is not free.

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