Former encomendero Bartolome de las Casas was a 16th-century Spanish Colonist and Historians

Former encomendero Bartolome de las Casas was a 16th-century Spanish Colonist and Historians. During the time in the indies, he was exposed to the Antonio De Montesinos who Casas credits for allowing him to see the atrocities of conquest. Because of this Casas becomes one of the first advocates for the indigenous people, even appointed “Protector of the Indians”. In A Short Account of the Destruction of The Indies Casas provides an acrimonious review of the behaviors of the Spanish conquistadors he witnessed in the colonies. The chronicle although a first-hand account is not only an observation of the evils of the Spanish occupying the indies but acts also as a call to action towards the laissez-faire rule Spain had towards Spanish Colonists. His account was intended to bring forward all of the abuse Spanish colonists have committed against the native people as well as the death toll associated with the abuse. In A Short Account

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