First what is the effect of fast

First of all,what is fast food restaurants? Fast food restaurants is the biggest restaurants andvery popular in every country in this world.It is because the fast food restaurants receive agreat response from a public. Fast food restaurants is similar like junk food because has sameingredient to make the food more flavouring and delicious. Nowdays ,there are few type offast food restaurants in this world such as McDonald, Kfc, Starbucks, and Burger King .

Thefast food restaurants has a good management and a powerful planning in attractive a peopleto come to the fast food restaurants.The fast food restaurants also has bring a bad effect to ourpeople.How fast food restaurants can become popular and what is the effect of fast foodrestaurants to people?.There a two causes and one effect of popularity fast food restaurants isthe food taste good , improve their product and service and and the effect is major causes ofdiseases. Firstly, the causes of popularity fast food restaurants is the food taste good.

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Many peopleargued that food fast restaurants has a marvellous and delicious meal because they love onkeeping eat fast food for their whole day.The ingredient in the fast food is salt and sugar thattotally make the food tastes very well. As we know the fast food are very famous in among ofteenagers and children because the fast food is the simple and easy ways for them to eatwhen they are hungry. According to Sommer, J.

(2014) “Inside the fast food have a contentsthat a lot of unhealthy ingredient “. For example , the food at fast food restaurants is Frenchfries, Hamburger and Ice cream that has a lot of sugar and salt to make it tastes verydelicious.Therefore , the food taste good is the causes that fast food restaurants becomepopular.Secondly, the causes of popularity fast food restaurants is always improve their productand service.

Many company today are trying to attractive people by improve their product andservice.Its is because they want to get a good response from people about their fast foodrestaurants and want to compete with another company.The fast food restaurants also will docommercial a new meal or food in their restaurants and also they has improve their servicelike drive-thru.According to Edrington , A.

(n.d) promoting a toys and special menu is theway to attract more children come to the fast food restaurants.For example , McDonald havedoing the promotion like Happy meals and give redeem present with is toys for thechildren .Therefore, improving product and service is the causes of popularity fast foodrestaurants Last but not least , the effect of popularity fast food is major cause of diseases.Manypeople today is not agree about fast food restaurants can causes a diseases or can gettingunhealthy person .If people or children are keeping on eating fast food everyday, the higherof chances to get a diseases a high.There a few type disease of fast food restaurants with isobesity ,liver damage and diabetes .According to Circulation (n.d) the people who are eatingfast food more than one time per weeks the chances of getting a risk in diseases are totallyhigher .For example , the girl can get breast cancer risk in their life if always eating fast foodduring adolescence .Therefore , the major causes of disease is the effect of fast foodrestaurants .In a nutshell based on the justification above , there is the causes of popularity fast food isthe food taste good, the improving of their product and service and the effect of fast food ismajor causes of diseases .Its is depend on our people to control of eating fast food perweeks , its because the fast food restaurants has brought a good and bad benefit to ourworld.One example , many country in this world has the fast food restaurants for theircitizens to eat but the people must control their passion of eating fast food everyday becausecan causes brought a diseases like heart damage

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