FCL10003 Innovation

FCL10003 Innovation & Change
A Report on the Innovation of the WaterotorPrepared by: Derrick&Larry (L&R)
Derrick Gashugu Kagame Ndatuje (101220207)
Tay Chia Haw (101214446)
Prepared for: Christina Amanda Chueh Ping Yin
Date of submission: 28 November 2018

Table of Contents
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 Background and Purpose of the Innovation ………………………………………… 2
1.2 Scope …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
1.3 Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2. Idea Generation …………………………………………………………………………………5
2.1 Brainstorming ………………………………………………………………………………… 6
3. Idea Conversion ………………………………………………………………………………… 7
3.1 Idea Selection …………………………………………………………………………………. 8
3.2 Idea Development …………………………………………………………………………… 9
3.2.1 Product Design and Features ………………………………………………….. 10
3.2.2 How the Innovation Works ………………………………………………….11
3.2.3 Materials Used and Cost ……………………………………………………….. 12
4. Idea Diffusion……………………………………………………………………………………13
4.1 Collection of Feedback ……………………………………………………………………. 14
4.1.1 Feedback Summary ………………………………………………………………. 14
4.2 Analysis of Feedback ………………………………………………………………………. 15
4.3 Modifications of Innovation …………………………………………………………….. 16
4.4 Promotion Strategies ……………………………………………………………………….. 17
5. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………18
List of References Appendices
Appendix A: Control Document 1
Appendix B: Control Document 2
Appendix C: Control Document 3
Appendix D: Record of Activities
Appendix E: Record of Contribution to Project Report Writing
The product that the team has came out is a hydro generator which provides electric energy to people who live in rural areas or in sea villages. The product name is a Waterotor. It is a product that can generate high output of electric energy from slow moving water. Waterotor can operate in currents as slow as 2 mph which means that it could be used in almost any river, canal, or ocean current. It can also save costs because it only needs to generate electricity from water current. The main objective that L&R hope to achieve is to save mother earth and humanity. Throughout the report we will be going through the three phases of innovation which include; idea selection, idea conversion and idea diffusion. These are three stages that help in the process of innovation.
Background and Purpose of the Innovation
Our team’s purpose of choosing this innovation is because it was found out that human beings have destroyed a lot of the diversity of nature and nature is not simply a warehouse of resources for human. Resources is not unlimited, it will run out sooner or later. Furthermore, there are about 1.3 billion of people living in the world without electricity.

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Our team only consists of 2 members, which are Tay Chia Haw and Derrick Gashugu Kagame Ndatuje. Because of we are lazy to thinking out our teams’ name, so we just combine our nickname together as Derrick&Larry. We had been told by our lecturer, Mrs Christina to brainstorming at least 15 number of ideas. However, we only contribute 15 number of ideas. Firstly, we were started to discuss on our team objective so that our ideas can be generated in a particular field. However, we cannot figure out our team objective easily, so we decided to move on to generating ideas first. Our brainstorming session were when we have Innovation and Change in class and 9-10pm at night through WhatsApp. During first day of brainstorming session, we were come up ideas which cause of environment. Afterward we were separated come out ideas by own self. In the result, we were easily come out more than 10 ideas in the next 2 days. Then, we were come up remaining ideas before submission deadline. These ideas we generated are come from solution to environment and finally, we come out our objective due to our ideas on the last day of the brainstorming.

Our group had gathered information from two different sources which is from audience and internet. After the presentation, we were gathered back feedback that give to audience. We were analysed the feedback and obtain some useful information from the feedback. In other hand, we were used internet to find for the information about the price of materials that we used to our product.

Idea Generation
When it comes to innovation there are three stages involved in the process. Firstly, we can look at Idea generation; this involves the process of generating, developing or constructing ideas. These ideas can be generated in several ways these include different departments within an organization or external help. The table below shows the process we went through as a team to generate ideas regarding our objective which was to save mother earth and humanity.
Brainstorming involves having a group discussion that involves the production of ideas from the group members. On this day we met as a group and looked at our objective which was to save mother earth and humanity. This set out a platform to which we would be able to produce ideas. Below is a table of ideas that were brainstormed by us as a group.
Idea Description Person who came up with the idea
1. Carbon Engineering This is a process by which we capture carbon dioxide from air thus using it to produce fuel
(used nature gas, wind & nuclear)
2. Solar Panelled water purifiers This is a process by which we use solar paneled machines to purify water.

3 Waste Fuel This is a process by which waste material is used to create fuel
4 Carbon Nanotubes Membranes This is a type of membrane that is a water treatment method that is used to purify drinking water
5 Wind Turbine This is a small solar paneled device that is used to generate electricity using wind as energy.

6 Deforestation Drones These are drones that will be placed in hidden places to capture footage of those that are cutting down trees.
7 Eco machine This is a machine that recycles empty batteries and turns it into fertilizer
8 WaterotorThis is a device that produces high outputs of electric energy from slow moving water
9 Transparent Solar Panel This is a device that can work on window glass or mouldable plastic to convert solar energy to electric energy.

10 RAOB (Raising Awareness of Biodiversity) – This is to raise awareness on biodiversity by advertising on billboards throughout major highways as well as cinemas.

11 Biogas master A small portable machine that will convert organic matter collected to create a source of energy that can be used for different purposes
12 Co2 Tech A small device that can be placed on cars to filter the gases released which will results in fewer dangerous gases in the air.
13 The Purifier This is a chemical that is placed within the most affected parts in the ocean. The chemical will help clean the water without affecting the animals living within the area.

14 RAGE (Raising awareness about Genetic Engineering)- This is to raise awareness about how genetic engineering of food affects our health. This will be done through advertisements on billboards placed on major highways as well cinemas and social media.

15 Waste Energy A device that takes in waste material and then converts into energy that is then transmitted and supplied throughout specific areas.
Table 1: Ideas generated
Idea Conversion
Idea conversion is the part which involves the process of screening, filtering and developing ideas and also where the team used some techniques to evaluate ideas. (Yin 2018). To achieve this goal, there are three techniques that we used as a group to screen and filter our brainstormed ideas.

Idea Selection
The team’s ideas will be decided in idea selection stage which the team will be used three techniques to decide the team’s ideas. The three techniques used are Item by item (NAF), Spend $100 and Plus, Minus and Interesting (PMI).

At 19th September, the team will be started to generate 15 ideas in idea generation stage. However, in this stage the team are not clear of what objective of ideas they need to generate. So, the team decided to set an objective, which is to save mother earth and humanity. The purpose to set up objective is to let us to generate the ideas that suit to the objective. After all of ideas are generated in idea generation stage, the team moved on to idea conversion stage. In this stage, the team will select the best ideas based on the objective through NAF, Spend $100 and PMI.

Item-by-Item Technique
The Item-by-Item technique is also known as the NAF (novel, attractive and feasible) criteria. It is an idea evaluation technique which create a table and list all the generated ideas and the criteria which is novel, attractive and feasible. The team members go through the lists of ideas and put ticks for each criterion. (Yin 2018)
Idea Novel Attractive Feasible
1. Carbon Engineering 2. Solar Panelled water purifiers 3. Waste Fuel X 4. Carbon Nanotubes Membranes X
5. Wind Turbine X 6. Deforestation Drones X X
7. Eco machine 8. Waterotor9. Transparent Solar Panel X 10. RAOB X 11. Biogas master X 12. Co2 Tech 13. The Purifier X 14. RAGE X 15. Waste Energy X Table 2: Item-by-Item Technique (NAF)
Spend $100
Spend $100 is a participating decision-making technique which means team members could making decision by themselves and not need to discuss to each other. The number of ideas cannot exceed ten and team members will be given “$100 to spend” on their favourite ideas. (Yin 2018)
1. Carbon Engineering 15 10 25 5th
2. Solar Panelled water purifiers 15 30 45 2nd
3. Eco machine 10 20 30 4th
4. Waterotor30 30 60 1st
5. Co2 Tech 30 10 40 3rd
Table 3: Spend $100
Plus, Minus and Interesting (PMI)
PMI is a technique that can identify their ideas with positive points, negative points and interesting points if the ideas can be expanded. (Yin 2018)
Solar Panelled water purifiers
Reduce consumers’ cost.


Purify drinking water.

High cost .

Only can be charged in morning and afternoon.

It does not help in increasing the water quantity or reducing water shortages. INTERESTING:
To see whether or not it functions last longer?
To see whether or not it has any effect on the chemical water quality?
Table 4 : Plus, Minus and Interesting (PMI) technique on Solar Panelled water purifiers
Low cost electrical energy.

Generate electrical energy nearly everywhere.

It harvests green energy in water.

Its size big.

Heavy to carry.

Consumes a lot of time to generate electrical energy. INTERESTING:
Will the Waterotor be rusty after putting inside the water a lot of time?
How many energies will be produced during the generating process?
Table 5 : Plus, Minus and Interesting (PMI) technique on WaterotorCo2 Tech
Reduces carbon emissions produced from cars.
Saves the ozone layer
Disrupts the cars process of emitting carbon.
Getting car companies to adopt the technology INTERESTING:
To see how this technology affects the ozone layer, whether the emissions produced have reduced
Whether or not this will influence global warming
Table 6 : Plus, Minus and Interesting (PMI) technique on Co2 Tech
Ideas selected: WaterotorBy using the evaluation techniques above, it reduces the 16 ideas until to one. In result, the team have selected Waterotor as the main idea.

Idea Development
After shortlisted ideas and chooses ideas in idea selection stage, the team continued moved on to idea development stage. In this stage, the team will develop product which idea chose by team. The team will use the six serving men to help them understand and find out their innovation better. (Yin 2018)
The Six Serving Men
WaterotorQuestions Answer
What is the purpose of Waterotor?
What type of materials Waterotor will be used? The purpose of Waterotor is to help people who live without electricity.

The materials of Waterotor used is water turbine……
Where can Waterotor be used? Waterotor can be used in river, canal, or ocean current.

When can Waterotor can be used? Waterotor can be used for camping or fishing.

How to use Waterotor? Waterotor will be placed inside the river and start generate power by water current.

Who will buy Waterotor? People who live in rural areas or people who live on ocean villages.

Why Waterotor useful to consumers? It could provide electricity to people are without electricity and reducing fossil fuel generators.

Table 7: Six Serving Men for Waterotor3.2.1Product Features
The team’s product features are same as the presentation slides had shown. Waterotor could operates in slow-moving water; as lower than 1.5 mph. It would not mobile by the water flow in the water as it requires no bottom fixtures or foundation, just need simple anchoring only. It has high coefficient power based on between high energy output and size. Waterotor is environmentally friendly because its’ water turbine does not have high speed spinning blades. It broadens a competitive market from very low to high water flow speeds. It has the most cost effective because it is simple to build and fully scalar.

3.2.2Materials used and estimated cost
The materials used for develop Waterotor have including: water turbine, water motor, materials build with waterproof and some essential components to store the generated electric energy. The estimated cost to develop the product will be around RM 700 to RM1000 and it will be sold at a price of RM1600.

4.Idea Diffusion
At 13th November, the team needed to prepare to introduce team’s product in class through PowerPoint slides. The team need to give out feedback sheets to lecturer and audiences in order to let them comment on the good or bad of team’s product presentation. The team have to collect back the feedback sheets from audiences after end of the presentation in order to analysis the feedback.

4.1Collection of Feedback
Feedback was successfully collected by the audience in the organization fill in the feedback forms (control document 3) which allow the audience to comment about the benefits and disadvantages of the product. The audience also wrote down some suggestions on the improvements of the team’s current product plan.

Comments (No. of respondents= 10) Frequency
1. It is eco-friendly 6
2. It can reduce the burden of households 4
3. It is cheap 4
4. It can improve quality if water 2
5. It use renewable energy. 1Table 8: Feedback Summary of positive comments
Comments (No. of respondents= 10) Frequency
1. It can only be used in specific places 5
2. It is heavy 2
Table 9: Feedback Summary of negative comment
Comments (No. of respondents= 10) Frequency
1. Make it lighter. 2
2. The target market could be expanded 2
3. It’s size, capacity and scale of motor needed to improve. 1
Table 10: Feedback Summary of improvement comment
4.2 Analysis of feedback
After feedback is collected and summarised, the top three feedbacks with the most weightage of each table will then be chosen and analysed based on technical feasibility, value adding and cost feasibility (Liaw 2018). The analysis process is tabulated below:
Make it lighter
Technical Feasibility Value Adding Cost Feasibility
It will be technically feasible as reducing the weight of the device will make using the product easier, this is because it will be easier for the consumer to move the product from Point A to Point B. On the other hand, it also makes it easier for the company to distribute and deliver the product. It does add value to the product as the product is lighter making it easier for the consumer to utilize the product. For example, being able to move the device easily from point A to point B. The cost will be lower because the changes that would occur to make it lighter would involve using lighter materials which are cheaper to purchase, making production cheaper.
Table 11: Analysis on feedback
The target market could be expanded
Technical Feasibility Value Adding Cost Feasibility
It has nothing to do with the technical aspects of the device. It does add value to the product because it will be sold and promoted in more areas, building its value amongst consumers. The cost will be higher as there is the need to promote and distribute in more areas around the world. To expand into new markets, new contacts must be made, and new distribution methods need to be used.
Table 12: Analysis on feedback
4.3Modifications of Innovation
After analysing the feedbacks, the team has decided to reduce the weight of the product because it is technically feasible, adds value to the product and cost feasible. Besides that, the other improvement suggested is not technically feasible and is not cost feasible. It will only increase the burden for the producers and doesn’t hugely benefit the consumers, while as reducing the weight hugely benefits the consumers as well as the producers. With that mentioned Larry and Derrick have decided to modify the weight of the product and reduce it for consumer gain.
4.4Promotion Strategies
In order to promote the team’s innovation product which is Waterotor, consumer will be given 3 years maintenance warranty for the product if it does not in serious damage. The team will collaborate with local government to discuss the issues that the product only can be used in specific areas and try to improve or add new features into it. Then, the team will create advertisement on YouTube or Facebook, so it can let a lot of people know.

List of Reference
Yin, C 2018, ‘Week 2.2: Introduction to the Innovation Value Chain’, FCL10003 Innovation and change, Learning materials on Blackboard, Swinburne University of Technology, viewed 8 November 2018.

Yin, C 2018, ‘Week 6: The Innovation Value Chain- Phase 2 Idea Conversion’, FCL10003 Innovation and change, Learning materials on Blackboard, Swinburne University of Technology, viewed 8 November 2018.

Yin, C 2018, ‘Week 7: Select Innovation and Change Ideas’, FCL10003 Innovation and change, Learning materials on Blackboard, Swinburne University of Technology, viewed 8 November 2018.

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