Essay on The Private Life of John Steinbeck Uncovered

All authors have a story behind them and something that makes their writing unique. John Steinbeck was one of those authors. With a rocky start to Steinbeck’s life, her used his experiences and travels to develop works of literature that would be highly regarded and distinguished him as a premier American writer.Born in Salinas, California; John Steinbeck was a quiet, very private man from the time he was born, and even with all the fame of his books (Swisher 15). From the start of his life, tragedy struck; beginning with the witnessing of an earthquake. Steinbeck witnessed an earthquake , which frightened him immensely (Swisher 13). After Steinbeck’s turbulent start to life, he continued to struggle when he started school. Because of his socially awkward nature, children at school began to tease him (Swisher 13). Since life was not getting any easier for young Steinbeck, his father decided to change they boy’s home environment by exposing him to the realistic lifestyle of farming. To help Steinbeck gain responsibility, his father bought him a pony, Jill, and let Steinbeck raise the pony as if it were the boy’s child (Swisher 14). His father’s techniques were successful because he began to excel in school so much that he was able to skip the fifth grade. Each summer, Steinbeck would go to visit his Aunt Molly, so he could experience literature and music that his parents could not give him (Swisher 14). One summer, Steinbeck’s aunt bought him a book as a gift, and Steinbeck hated the book (Swisher 14). “I stared at the black print with hatred, and then gradually the pages opened and let me in. The magic happened. The bible and Shakespeare and Pilgrim’s Progress belonged to everyone. But this was mine—Secretly mine,” wrote Ste…

…ke all authors, Steinbeck had many critics who picked at many aspects of his literature. After his first two book going totally unnoticed, Steinbeck went on to publish his first publicly acclaimed book, Tortilla Flat (Simkins). His books were criticized for political content, especially communism (Simkins). Steinbeck was never concerned with the money, but only the approval from critics. His goal was to be critically established, so he took negative publicity the worst (Simkins).John Steinbeck started with some struggles and grew up in a rough time period, but he proved that nothing would stop him and he went on to win multiple Pulitzer Prizes and won the crowd with his publication of The Grapes of Wrath. While he started out as a private boy who was made fun of as a young boy, Steinbeck took every opportunity to advance himself as a great American writer.

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