Essay on Society Versus Man in Freedom

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel by Mark Twain, is like a social mirror for us, shown through the eyes of an innocent boy as he explores society along the Mississippi River. Huckleberry Finn is the innocent boy whom Miss Watson and Widow Douglas want to “civilize” by teaching him manners and reading the Bible to him; however, Huck’s father, Pap Finn, does not want Huck to be civilized and suppresses Huck to his control. To achieve freedom, Huck stages his own murder and lives on Jackson Island where he finds Jim and follow the flow of the Mississippi River with only a manmade wooden raft experiencing the problems and dangers of society. Toward the end of the book, Tom reunites with Huck and decides to help Huck free Jim, but causes a commotion to “free” Jim; even though, Tom knew Jim was freed by Miss Watson’s will. Huck experiences the conflict between the values of society and his own personal ideas especially on slavery because it is a prevailing conflict in freedom. Twain uses this innocent boy, Huck, to show that even though he may be young and ignorant, ones heart prevails through society because he realizes that Jim is a real person and allows Huck to mature as a person.The conflict of society versus man is very important and evident in the story, and Huck constantly encounters the conflict of society’s value that slaves are a lesser person and must be treated like property. Huck’s belief of a black slave is not any different than any white man progresses in the story shown by his thoughts on Jim. Society presents ignorance during this time period before the Civil War and Twain wants to show the ignorance with Huck’s innocence ofhuman nature. Huck does not fully understand the concept of human bondage; ho…

…ith Huck “a-trying to steal out of slavery” (218) and the death of Miss Watson. Her will stated, “ she (Miss Watson) was ashamed she ever was going to sell him” (276) and “set him free in her will” (276).Huck and Jim was able to successfully complete their journey to freedom and Huck benefited from this journey because he saw the true evil of society. Twain was able to show us, like a mirror, through the eyes of Huck that despite having progress, we created more problems such as slavery. However, there is a glimpse of hope to break the belief of slavery when Miss Watson, who was like every “civilized” person, decided to free Jim. Twain does try to bring the point that every individual must overcome the conflict of society versus man to do the right thing, and Twain was able to show it through the theme of freedom not only through Huck, but Jim and Miss Watson.

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