Essay on Minor Characters in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

In stories, minor characters are often highlighted to display or represent a certain idea. The novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, shows the rich and their romps. Most are carefree and only care about themselves and their status. The novel focus’ on Jay Gatsby, a mysterious extravagantly rich man who throws blowout parties and lives in luxury in hopes of winning over his love, Daisy. Gatsby builds his life of from nothing, as the son of poor farmers from the west and then morphing himself into a New York millionaire. Only to be destroyed when Daisy kills her husbands mistress and Gatsby takes the blame for her; eventually leading to his murder. No one but a party goer nicknamed Owl Eyes and Gatsby’s live-in resident Klipspringer attends his funeral. All of Gatsby’s business partners and the thousands that came to his parties did not care enough to come to his funeral. Gatsby spent all his time focusing on one dream that he did not make connections and socialize with people that cared about him, but his parties. The lifestyle of the American Dream arguably became the only thing that people were chasing. Through the character of Owl Eyes, Fitzgerald shows the rise and fall of the American Dream and the consequences that come with it.Fitzgerald uses Owl Eyes to build on the glory of the American Dream, the reader is able to see the possessions and theatrics that come along with it. The reader first sees Owl Eyes in Gatsby’s library; he is astounded by the fact Gatsby’s books are real. “Absolutely real- have pages and everything. I thought they’d be a nice durable cardboard . Matter of fact, they’re absolutely real.” (45) It shows Gatsby is like an act. Owl Eyes thought Gatsby was just making the illusion of everything …

…ead to isolation. Owl Eyes takes the reader through the different stages of chasing the Dream, first we see the theatrics that are put on to impress people and make up a character for the hopeful person to play. Then Owl Eyes demonstrates the consequences of living one’s whole life chasing a dream around the wrong people. Finally the reader sees the downfall the American Dream can cause on a person. Leaving them alone and with nothing to show for themselves. Gatsby was chasing the his dream of Daisy and being with her, he focused so much on achieving this dream he never paused to see that he was dealing with people that did not care about Gatsby and were only concerned with themselves. If Gatsby was not so caught up in winning Daisy over and realized that in the end she would only act to protect herself perhaps the outcome of the story would be completely different.

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