Essay on Historical People from the Victorian Era

The Victorian EraThe Victorian era was when Queen Victoria ruled England from 1837 to 1901. This was a time when it culturally changed from rationalism from the prior era (Georgian period) toward “romanticism and mysticism with regard to religion, social values, and arts.” This was also a time of peace in international relationships and economic, colonial and industrial growth.

The two most important in politics were the prime ministers Gladstone and Disraeli. Gladstone was a liberal and Disraeli was a conservatist. With their different views “they changed the course of history”.

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The population of England rose quickly in this era and so did Wales. Together they doubled in population and a lot of people also moved from the United Kingdom to the U.S, Canada and Australia.


Cranford is a novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell and was published in Charles Dickens journal in 1851. The novel is about a small English village and how the everyday lives for the characters looks like. The novel is not about life threatening situations but more about the difficulties for the old ways to coexist with the new ways which is getting harder due to the industrialism. In the book there are two main characters, a young woman called Mary Smith and her older friend Matilda Jenkyns.

Hard Times

Hard Times was written by Charles Dickens and was publish 1854.It suggests how the industrial revolution can turn humans in to machines and how dangerous it can be. This comes forth through from the characters Gradgrind and Bounderby, that teaches children in of the way of facts.

Gradgrind believes that human nature can be measured, quantified and controlled by rational rules. He tries to make the children into little machines that can be controlled by th…

…eatest work, The Ring and The Book, was published in 1868 and made huge success.

Robert met Elizabeth Barrett in 1945. They began to correspond with each other and this developed to a romance between them, which later led to their marriage in 1846.Elizabeth was born 1806 in Durnham. She is a very well know poet from the Victorian era and was famous in both England and the United States.

She wrote the poem, “On the Cruelty of Forcement to Man” at the age of eight. This is the first known poem she wrote.

At the age of 15 she became ill. The illness was not able to be diagnosed, but it was something she would have the rest of her life. The symptoms where intense head and spinal pain. She took opiates for the pain and where dependent on them the rest of her life.

How do I Love Thee, Sonnets from the Portuguese and Greif are some of the well known poems that she wrote.

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