Essay on Child Labor in Venezuela

Bolivian Republic of Venezuela is a country in South America. It was one of the countries that emerged from collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (Source B). Hugo Chavez is the president since 1999. He was democratically elected president in 1998, after the approval of the new constitution in 1999, which is the highest law of the land. Venezuela is subdivided into 23 states, a Capital District correspondent in the city of Caracas, and the Federal Dependencies. The country is also divided into ten administrative regions, which were established by presidential decrees. Children can be found working in agriculture, small to medium size businesses, scavenging in garbage dumps and gold mining. Child Labor started in Venezuela because the government had failed to solve the education, working conditions and government corruption problems in the county.One of the problems, the government failed to solve is education for all of the children (Source C). Education free under the 1999 constitution however is not mandatory for all children in Venezuela to attend school. The government has set up 35 percent of the national budget to education. The student education budget has increased, but many children do not attend school due to poverty. Children must work in order to keep the house running and to have food every day. Indigenous and African descent children also do not get access to education. There is twenty percent of the population without formal education. In April 2002, in Venezuela eighteen percent of the children that started primary school were likely to reach grade five. In 2005, the population of children the age of ten to fourteen working was 27,536,769. In 2007, Venezuelan police fired teargas to stop thousands of protes…

…unty. The liberator of Venezuela was Simon Bolivar. He was a Venezuelan by birthday and the central figure in the story of the independence movement of Latin America. In 1821, Venezuela won its independence through a series of armed conflicts. Corruption has existed in Venezuela since at least 1821, when it gained independence. Even after independence, Venezuela had many civil wars in the county. As a county, Venezuela was not able set up a government and a military force that will protect the county.

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However today there is still a larger of children that are still working in Venezuela and the government has not stepped in to help. Today 2,753,796 children still work in the child labor force in Venezuela. Children under 16 years may work up to 6 hours per day, 30 hours per week. Children under 18 years old may work between the hours of 6 A.M.and 7 P.M.

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