Essay about Problems the New Republic in Germany Faced from 1918-1923

Problems the New Republic in Germany Faced from 1918-1923

The Weimar Republic faced a number of serious problems from it’s birthin 1918 to 1923. These included a failed communist revolution, in theform of the spartacist risings, within months of the republic’sinception, a number of right wing ‘putsch’s ( one of which was brieflysuccessful ) and perhaps most seriously, certainly in the eyes of theordinary, working class German, the inflationary crisis of 1923 whichresulted in the German currency becoming virtually worthless, wipingout the spending power of the Weimar Republic as a country and alsoit’s citizens. The Versailles Peace Treaty was, however, the mainunderlying catalyst for almost all of the Weimar Republic’s mostserious problems, with the possible exception of the attemptedcommunist revolution of 1918-19.

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The Weimar Republic, almost as soon as it was established, immediatelyfaced the threat of a possible large scale communist revolution.Although this large scale threat never quite materialised for a numberof reasons, there was an eventual communist rising by the spartacistsin January of 1919. For a newly founded state, which was justbeginning to establish it’s infrastructure and policies, this, thoughnot exactly a well supported, large scale revolution, was a seriousproblem due to the socialist government’s rather uneasy relationshipwith the army, which may not have supported it, but, in the event, dueto an admittedly somewhat reluctant alliance agreed between Ebert, thehead of the socialist government, and General Groener, commander inchief of the army, did, assisting the government in quelling this …

… Kapp putsch, which had toppled the democratically electedsocialist president and government, was instrumental in ensuring theKapp putsch could not establish support and form a government,ensuring that the putsch failed and that the socialist government wasreturned to power. The lack of support from the army for right wingrisings was also important in the survival of the Weimar Republic, asseen in the Kapp putsch of 1921 where if the support of the army hadbeen gained, the putsch would have probably succeeded. Theintroduction of the renten-mark, replacing the valueless deutsch-mark,was also crucial in ending the inflationary crisis of 1923, which hadnearly crippled the Weimar Republic, and was therefore also extremelyimportant in the survival and relative stability of the WeimarRepublic by the end of 1923.

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