Essay about In The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Analysis

The battle between good vs. evil came into existence at the beginning of time and will persist until the end of time. This conflict is placed upon a person at birth and remains with them until death. In The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Agatha Christie proves that good will always overcome evil through the unsatisfied curiosity of Caroline Sheppard, the unrelenting investigation by Hercule Poirot, and the justifiable reasons behind Dr. James Sheppard’s demise.In The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Agatha Christie proves that good will always overcome evil through the unsatisfied curiosity of Caroline Sheppard. Caroline Sheppard has the uncanny ability to sniff out any gossip that is going on and will not rest until she has found the answers to every question she may have. Her brother James says, “she can do any amount of finding out [information] by sitting placidly at home.” Caroline collects every detail she hears whether they are facts, rumors, opinions, or even police reports. She is relentless in her search to know everything she can about everyone in her town. Much of the information she discovers “is completely unimportant” but she claims, “That is why it is so interesting.” Caroline has a way of turning “one piece of misdirection into a great solution” that no one else could ever discover. “When she goes out, it is not to gather information, but to spread it.” Caroline does not believe that she causes harm when she is constantly “repeating everything indiscriminately” because she feels it is her duty and “people ought to know things.” She also shares her insight with others because when she is discussing the information aloud, it helps her to compose numerous conclusions in her head. These conclusions are usua…

…d therefore he does not have pity on himself, but sadness because he has hurt his sister through the process.Through the unsatisfied curiosity of Caroline Sheppard, the unrelenting investigation by Hercule Poirot, and the justifiable reasons behind James Sheppard’s demise in Agatha Christie’s, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd proves that good will always overcome evil. Good overcoming evil is not always the direct result of the action, but sometimes comes from the aftermath of the initial event that has taken place. No matter how hard one attempts to evade transgressions, when evil prevails, the human mind cannot rid itself of the guilt rooted deep within. Ultimately good surpasses evil because the feeling of serenity that takes over a persons heart, mind, and soul is an essential element of human nature bestowed upon a person at birth that can never be destroyed.

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