Essay about Censorship in the School System

Schools frequently abuse their powers to choose what exactly students can be exposed to. Districts often remove materials that maybe racist or prejudice from their classrooms in order to shelter their students from unfavorable moments in history. This is one of the largest forms of censorship in schools today. Schools today already tend to censor the majority of what goes on in the daily school environment from what can be said, talked about, or expressed. In the case Monteiro vs. Tempe Union High School, Monteiro presented the issue that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and “A Rose for Emily”, both required works in the curriculum, created racism and harassment in the school environment. Eliminating literature from the school’s curriculum would only deprive students of the past and history that is essential. Also, if such literature were criticized for being discriminatory, all books that contain discriminatory content towards any race or group would have to be removed. On the other hand, if such works were not excluded from the curriculum then it might pose a threat of creating a hostile environment. Although parents’ concerns of literature containing racism, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and “A Rose for Emily”, allow students to express their beliefs and ideals about discrimination because educational literature was not censored from the school’s curriculum.Monteiro claims The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner contain “repeated use of the profane, insulting and racially derogatory term ‘nigger’” are questioned for their “credibility” in the classroom (Reinhardt 2). Both works express racism and discrimination in the past and capture very important moments i…

…, as well as other works found inside the school’s curriculum, can be found offensive due to their racist and profane characters. However, the literature is exposed to the students in order to educate them about the past and the nation’s history in hopes that students will become more knowledgeable and will be able to formulate ideals about discrimination and inequality. Trying to remove the two books mentioned would also require the removal of all prejudiced works that also hold considerable historical value. Although there is the concern of these books causing a hostile environment, as long as they are presented in a mature and responsible manner, students would be able to understand such work. The court’s decision to leave the literature in the school’s curriculum was the right decision because removing it would be removing the knowledge of our nation’s journey.

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