ESA, The ESA protects the worker from employer

ESA, 2000 OntarioThe Employment Standards Act is a law that set standards in majority of workplaces in the province of Ontario. The law set standards for payment of wages, limits on hours of work, overtime pay, minimum wage, holiday pay, leaves of absence, Termination pay/notice.The ESA is important to the working world. The ESA protects the worker from employer negligence.

If the ESA was not in place, then a worker would not have a say about how many hours they are forced to work, how many breaks they are allowed to take, getting vacation pay, etc. If an employer is caught not following the Employment Standards Act, then the employer can be fined up to $100,000 and possible imprisonment. (Ontario Ministry of Labour, 2015)OHS Act 1997The Ontario health and safety act is a law set out to secure the health, safety , or welfare of every employee in the workplace. The three employee rights in this act are the right to refuse unsafe work, the right to participate, and the right to know. As for the employer, they must make sure that their place of business is safe for every employee.

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They must also make sure that every employee is trained properly in order to keep them safe.It is important for the Ontario Health and Safety Act to be in place because without it, a worker could be forced to do unsafe work with having no rights. With this law in place, employers are forced to give employees knowledge of their workplace and proper practices of their job duty.Bill 168, C-45Bill 168 is an act to amend the OHSA in regards to violence and harassment in the workplace. The employer must have a policy in place with respect to violence and harassment.

They must also have a program in place to enforce this policy. If this bill was not introduced, then the workplace would not be a safe environment for people to work in. This bill protects workers from employers and other co-workers in regards to violence and harassment. Bill C-45 is a legislation that introduced new duties for health and safety. In addition, it also increases serious penalties if the violation results in injury or death. It is important that this legislation is in effect because it makes the employer more responsible for the welfare and safety of their workers.

Ontario Human rights code/ Canadian Human rights codeThe Ontario/Canadian Human Rights code is a law that gives every citizen equal rights and opportunities without fearing discrimination. The importance of the Ontario/Canadian Human Rights Code is crucial in today’s society. If this code was not in place, then there would be all kinds of discrimination taking place in Canada. Even with this in affect, you still see occasional discrimination and harassment taking place in the work place. Labour Relations Act, 1995The Labour Relations Act is to help collective bargaining between the employers and unions that are representatives of the employee.

In addition, it is there to make sure that there is employee participation and involvement in the workplace. This act is important to the workplace because without it, employees would have a hard time disputing any proplems that they had in the workplace, and it would make for a very hostile environment for both the employee and the employer.Canadian Charter of RightsThe Canadian Charter of Rights set out certain rights and freedoms that Canadians feel that are absolutely needed to live in a free and democratic society. It is important to have the Charter of Rights is because if it didn’t exist then Canada would not have all the freedom that we have. Pay Equity Act This act requires employers to adjust wages in the females role if the position is comparable to the males role. The importance of this act is substantial. Without this we would not have “equal work for equal pay”.

In today’s society, there should be no difference between a man’s role and a woman’s role in the workplace.Employment Equity Act This act requires employers to engage in practices to increase equal representation between women, persons with disabilities, aboriginal people, and visible minorities. This is important because within Canada, we are a diverse nation.

With being a diverse nation, we need to have our workforce to be diverse.AODA 2005The AODA is a statute enacted for the purpose of improving accessibility standards in Ontario for persons with physical and mental disabilities. This act is really important because if it gives hope to persons with disabilities access to every things that the rest of us take for granted. And because of this act persons with disabilities are now able to have a job or go shopping.Bill 148Bill 148 is the fair workplaces, better jobs act.

It is an act to amend the employment standards act, labour relations act, and the occupational health and safety act. The act is a new set of rules that will be governing the workplace. This bill is important because it now says that are numerous changes to certain aspect of the workplace. Minimum wage for instance, was a change in this act. In addition, it is now mandatory to give vacation time off.

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