Decision when carefully carried out, can change our

Decision makingLife is all about making choices and decisions.

Some scholars rightly said, we are what we choose, so choose wisely. When life unfolds, with its twists and turns, starts and stops, requires us to make choices and decisions. There exist no single day where we do not have to make a decision in life. Decision making is a process that plays an important role in our daily lives.

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Some decisions are not that important whereas other important decisions, when carefully carried out, can change our lives. The process of decision making involves making a choice among different courses of action and entails a cycle of activities and events that begins with identification of a problem and ends with the evaluation of implemented solutions (Essay, 2013). We make thousands of decisions every day. Many are easy, but others are complex, stressful, or both. Because there are so many decisions and because there exist many junctions in the road of life which has dramatic impact on results, costs, time, feelings, and relationships, hence how you make decisions is extremely important. Making effective and sound decisions is an art that is learned through life experience.

We learn how to make decisions during childhood, although we do not always realize that we are being taught to make decisions (Brenner, 2015). Children almost instinctively choose to play with a particular toy based on the pleasure derived from that toy. Although this is an innate and simplistic decision nonetheless, a decision making process is evident. Children do not have the thoughtful reasoning skills to recognize that they have made a decision based on which toy he or she prefers. However, choosing a specific toy, the child has experienced the decision-making process based on the result his or her experience.

Therefore, child will most likely choose that same toy again when faced with similar circumstances. That’s how the seed of decision making is sawed since the childhood.As and when we grow older, the decisions become more complex and the effect of our decisions are more significant. As children, we see our parents make decisions every day, some small with very less impact on us and some complicate which even changes our life. Those decisions are more intricate and we begin to feel the impact of the decisions that are made by the parents on our behalf.As proposed by Epstein (1994), people apprehend reality in two fundamentally different ways, one variously labeled “intuitive, automatic, natural, non-verbal, narrative, and experiential, and the other analytical, deliberative, verbal, and rational.

Some people prefer to make all of their critical decisions without consulting with others, while some prefer taking decision by consulting other people. I’m a kind of person who always ask other people who have experienced or have ideas about the problem. On the other hand, feel that we should never make important decisions on our own. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.First of all, while we might think our lives are unique, there is always someone close to us that has been faced with the same decision.

By consulting someone who has made a similar decision in the past, we can more carefully weigh our options. If I cite an example, when I graduated from tenth standard few years ago I was forced to choose between enrolling in either a Arts stream or commerce stream in ma eleventh grade. I knew that opting for commerce would lead to more reliable employment in the future, but I also knew that taking Arts provide a more stimulating intellectual jobs and less work pressure.

I did not think that my old-fashioned and practical-minded elder siblings would have struggled with such a dilemma in their youth, but when I talked it out with my elder sister I found out that despite her tendencies towards conservatism and practical ways, as a young woman she had given consideration to studying the liberal arts. As we talked about her motivations, and some of the regrets associated with her ultimate choice, I was able to more fully consider all of my own options make sound decision. If one makes important personal decisions himself/herself without consulting with other people, especially with his/her parents, it may bring a lot of disadvantages to his/her life later on. For example, if one student studying in a high school, for some reasons he need to find a part-time job to have some extra money and he gets it. With his extra money he can buy things he likes which his friends who still studying cannot such as mobile phone, Ipod or even cigarettes. One day, he might come up with an idea to drop out from school as he might feel comfortable with that small amount of money, happy with his job. At that time if he just decided himself without discussing with his parents about his idea to get their advice, it would be a big regret for him later on as after years he might still be a worker with low income while his friends as engineers or doctors have more prospective careers.

Secondly, I feel that when we make decisions alone, we are more likely to make rash and impulsive moves. Talking about a problem with another person takes time, and thus our decision making process is slowed down. Narrating an incident, when I decided to buy a new Samsung smart phone last year I made purchase the very same day that the idea popped into my head. It seemed like a good idea at the time because gas prices were low and there was offer form Tashi Cell. However, when I told one of my classmates about my purchase she told me about the problems faced by the customers who brought it and took long time in maintaining it. Had I talked about these issues before buying the car I might have reconsidered whether or not it was a good idea.

Therefore, I strongly believe that it is never a smart idea to make decisions without first talking to someone about them. This is because there is always someone in our life who has had to deal with a similar situation, and because talking about issues prevents us from acting impulsively.It goes without saying that how to make a decision is always an issue of much controversy.

Some people claim that one should never make an important decision alone, while others believe that it is not true. My opinion is that it is always beneficial to consult other people such as family, relatives, friends or colleagues before making any decision. In order to make a major decision, you need three things: time, information, and commitment. Time, to consider all the options, to think about implications of your decision, time to do the work necessary to make a decision.

Information, so your decision is based on up-to-date statistics, data, knowledge, and advice. Commitment, to follow through and to make a decision.However, some people prefer making decision on their own when it comes to decision related to their personal life.

Jeffrey Stibel has said, “Programmers are exponentially faster when coding as individuals; designers do their best work alone; artists rarely collaborate and when they do, it rarely goes well.” Some profession demand to work individually and make quick decisions without wasting time and energy. One of the advantages of an individual decision is that it is often quick and creates less of a conflict that may otherwise arise in a group decision (Essay 2013). When we make decisions related to our work that we are very confident, in this kind of situation we become very efficient, things get completed quickly, there is no chance of any conflicts and clash in ideas with others, and we are praised for all the work done. As parents, they are required to make decisions for another human being and the results of those decisions can dramatically change the life of their children. There is a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety that can accompany making choices that affect another person and his or her well-being.

Not only are we faced with making decisions, but we are accountable for the outcome and must take responsibility for the repercussions of our decisions.In conclusion, my opinion is that we each have to make our own important decision our self alone after all; no one can help us to do that. Therefore, learning to listen to others’ advice and always seek for good ones before making any important decision is a crucial skill which is not only good for oneself but other people around. According to Latham 2015 suggested that decision making can be quite tricky and challenging in some cases. It is hence important to gather as much information from different sources and evaluate all possible alternatives to the problem or situation at hand before making a decision.

Doing so will allow us to arrive at the best possible solution for the problem. My decision to join Gedu Collage of Business studies wasn’t an overnight one. It took me a couple of months of research and consultations with friends, family and friends studying in collage helped to make a decision. Low cost of tuition and length of the course were also a big influence on my decision.

An advantage of my choice was that it was an outcome of research and discussion and there was no conflict in that it was a group decision to which everybody agreed. This significantly decreased the probability of risk in my decision making. I believe my decision was correct and am quite pleased with the way it is turning out as I am enjoying my stay in collage. If I had made the decision individually and without my parent’s consent, or without any research, it would have increased the probability of risk in any given situation.References Brenner, A. (2015). The importance of learning how to make decision.

Retrieved from, S. (1994). Integration of the Cognitive and the Psychodynamic Unconscious. American Psychologist, 49: 709–724.

Essays, UK. (2013). Decision making is a process that plays an important role in our daily lives.

Retrieved from, A.

(2015). 12 Reasons Why How You Make Decisions Is More Important Than What You Decide. Retrieved from

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