CSII: To Advance physical and Intellectual Competency
Physical: My goal is to keep children physically healthy, fit, and active. I think playing actively in the playground and classroom they will develop their fine motor and gross motor. I love to play tag with children and some creative play. I will plan activities that develop fine motor and gross motor skills, and I will encourage children to do indoor and outdoor activities. I will commit to school and families to keep children physically active, and I will create the environment that keeps children engaging in that activity. The fine motor activity I will encourage children to color, paint, play dough, play jewelry, puppets, sorting object, etc. And the gross motor I will encourage children to outdoor play like walk, run, jump, tricycle, tag, play catch, slide, dance, jump rope, etc. I will ensure that they will develop their senses and I will use the age-appropriate material to experience their senses creative music, glue, painting, soft and rough like marble and play dough, sour and sweet like lemon and cake. According to Gardner multiple intelligences, I understand that many body awareness exercises are important to develop motor skills.
Cognitive: My goal is to create a cognitive environment that helps children to understand and think about math, science, technology and social studies skills. I observed that the children could learn from hands-on experience comfortably and I like to play imaginary fun games with children. I planned curriculum activities about math, science, and creative art and I like to utilize throughout daily activities. I will commit to school and families to create an environment that helps children’s cognitive development. I will use strategies to improve teaching practices and equipment, material that developmentally appropriate. I will encourage children to play actively, exploration and puzzles, manipulatives, magnifying glasses and real science item like leaves, sticks, rocks, shells. Also, I will ensure that material should be meaningful. I will ask them open-ended questions, and I also encourage them to ask questions so that children can create problem-solving skills and I will respond positively to them. I understand that according to Piaget’s theory, constructivist learning in important for children to acquire knowledge to learn. I agree to follow Piaget’s four cognitive developmental stages.
Communication: My goal is to create an environment that helps children to develop language and communication skills. I observed that children learn communication skills from listening stories, creating a storybook, group play, songs, and imaginative play. I love reading funny books to children, and I like to teach them freestyle learning with enjoyment, and they love being silly. I think that communication is important to express themselves and I will commit to the school and families to create an environment that has a verbal and nonverbal expression to develop language and communication skills. I will provide materials that are developmentally appropriate for children to learn like I will read books, play music, puppets, dolls, kitchen play, and hands-on activity like bookmaking materials. I will ensure that developmentally appropriate books are available for children to read. And I will ask an open-ended question to them, and I will encourage them to write and draw. I will also support the needs of dual language learners and listens to children with respect. According to Lev Vygotsky’s Theory, I understand that language is a figurative system of communication, and cultural tools and play is an essential part of both language. I agree with Vygotsky’s theory.
Creative: My goal is to create an environment that helps children to explore creative arts. I believe children enjoy learning, arts through color, paint, play dough, chalk and they will understand the color difference. I love to see children’s visual art that makes me thrilled about their art. I feel that creative art makes children more visualize and I will commit to school and families to create and provide an environment that helps children to explore creative art. I will ensure that the art materials and activities are available for children like coloring, painting, and open-ended art. I will encourage children to create a self-portrait, imaginative art, music, creative play, material, like play dough, photography, free play and color mixing to make a different color.
CSII a: RcII- Gross motor: This lesson I planned for children and how this reflects my philosophy of how to support physical development. I believe that gross motor activity helps children to build larger muscles this lesson will help children’s body moment for larger body parts like hopping, skipping, dancing; all help children’s to be physically strong. When actively playing children learn best in that area.
CSII b: RcII- Math: This lesson I planned for children and how this reflects my philosophy of how to support cognitive development. I believe that math is harder to learn for early children they need fun enjoyable learning activity. This lesson will help them with learning fun math and encourage them to try other activity that supports cognitive development. They will enjoy learning without losing their confidence.
CSII c: RcII- Self-concept: This lesson I planned for children and how this reflects my philosophy of how to support creative development. Because this lesson help children in identifying the concept of living and the nonliving thing I believe that self-concept is harder to identify for children.This lesson will teach them part by part to understand the concept and encourage them to think creatively.
CSII d: RcII-: Language: Best way to promote communication and language encourage children to be verbal and nonverbal communication and ask them open-ended questions that they will try to express themselves. Create group plays that they will communicate with their buddies. Reading stories to them and when talking make eye contact, and imaginary play helps them to understand better.

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