Crooks from the Hunchback of Notre Dame

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Crooks from the Hunchback of Notre DameCrooks plays a small but significant role and I will attempt toexplain why Steinbeck put him in the novel. Here are some things Ipicked up about him and how they relate to the rest of the novel andthe other characters.

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– Nicknames. “Crooks” may be referring to his back, and it remindsyou of the poem: “There was a crooked man…” etc. It makes you thinkhe may be dishonest, a crook, which is ironic as everyone makes outthat black men are crooks. Curley means his wiry hair, Slim isbecause he’s slim, and Candy is sweet, very American, and everybodylikes him. But don’t nicknames usually show affection? Who gaveCrooks his nickname?

– How solitary he is. Maybe when he was younger, he was moreoutgoing, but he was rejected by white people so he only thinks abouthimself now. He only associates a little, maybe because he doesn’ttrust white men. He does things by himself, for himself.

– How others treat him. Slim is nice to him, and offers to help withthe horses and things, this makes you like Slim and trust him. Theboss is mean, and before you meet Crooks you hear: “The boss’s gonnagive the stable buck hell”, which makes you not like the boss, becausehe seems like a nasty man. He doesn’t give Crooks a name, just callshim “the stable buck”, and treats him like an object, not a person.Crooks seems to like Candy and Lennie, because they are a little likehim in that they are all social outcasts, Candy because he’s old,Lennie because he’s stupid and Crooks because he’s black. They arethe ones that get left behind when the others go to the town, andCurley’s wife comments on this, and calls them “a dum-dum, an oldsheep and a nigger”.

– He seems very trustworthy, maybe because he knows what it’s like tobe let down and would never do it to anyone else.

– He is very mysterious like Slim, but his mystery is unlike Slim’s inthat people might bother to find out about Slim’s as he is white.Nobody has attempted to find out any more about Crooks.

– What does he think and how does he feel about working with whitemen, and in specific the ones on that particular ranch? He probablyfeels that they are in some way superior as that’s what he’s beentaught to think. He has no free will, of thinking or actions.

– In the scene in his barn, he tries at first to get rid of Lennie but

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