«Blood Danny Archer, played by Leonardo DiCaprio,

«Blood Diamond» Film Review
The movie starts in Sierra Leone, with Soloman Vandy played by Djimon Hounson being captured by the RUF-rebels when they invade the Sierra Leonian village. He is separated from his family and his son, Dia, is brainwashed into a killer.
The movie is mostly about two African men, Danny Archer, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, and Solomon Vandy. Both of them have two completely different histories, but their fates become joined in a quest to find a pink diamon, that was hidden by solomon.
Blood diamond is in my eyes, a masterpiece. They use strong Only the idea of being forced through these awful events, is enough to drive you crazy. The way this violent movie shows all the terrible people abuse children and their families, is milder compared to reality.

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