Banning “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain” in Schools

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain might seem like a good book to have high school students read since it’s about a boy named Huckleberry Finn and his adventures through his life by dealing with the struggles that he has or when he finds a runaway slave, named Jim, who is on an island trying to stay hidden so he will not be sold as a slave. Throughout the novel the reader will see that Huck has an adventurous personality, comes to find out who is father is and tries to help Jim, the runaway slave, to live and hopefully see his family again. Also, there are people out there that might think Huck Finn may not be a good book to read and think that it should be banned from schools and libraries. The reason why people think that is, because they think the book has to do with racism, not showing enough respect for the white race, or because the book includes profanity like the word “nigger” (Twain 2). There are probably a lot reasons on why this book is banned, but there’s really two that are probably the main ones which are the usage of “nigger” (Twain 2), its controversial, and also some people think that Huck Finn should not be banned from schools or libraries.The first thing a person might think of when they think of the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would be that it’s about a boy seeking adventures, trying to help a runaway slave, and living down South in the state of Missouri. All of those assumptions might be true or just their own personal thoughts what they do not realize though that Huck Finn is also a book that is being banned in so many different places around the United States. One of the reasons for being banned is for the usage of profanity like the word “nigger” (Twain 2). People livin…

…nk that Huck Finn should not be banned since it’s considered a classic in today’s society, while other people would think that it should be banned since the novel uses profanity. In today’s society a person reading Huck Finn think that this book is controversial, yes that might be true but it should not be considered that anymore it should be considered a classic and a book that involves real life events or situations. The last thing that a reader would get or know from reading Huck Finn would be that banning this book for using profanity is ridiculous since music and movies use profanity and yet they’re not being banned. There are two main reasons on why people are trying to get The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which is using the word “nigger” (Twain 2) and for being categorized as controversial, and then some people think that this novel should not be banned.

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