Assessment place particular focus on formative assessment

Assessment has become an important aspect of teaching within education and it has advanced significantly throughout the years. Recently, academics have gradually recognised the significance that formative assessment has on developing pupil’s progress and attainment (Wiliam et al., 2004). The education system has more emphasis on the curriculum and so it is important as to how teachers are teaching their pupils. And so it is a concern as to what type of learning that the pupils are involved with in their class. Therefore, how we assess pupils learning has an immense impact on their progress in education on what they learn and how they learn it (Wynne, 2007). Taking this into account, the purpose of this assignment is to critically explore how formative assessment can be used to understand pupils progress and improve instruction, I am going to focus on one subject in particular, mathematics. In addition to this assignment, I aim to explore assessment briefly and then define what assessment is. Then I will place particular focus on formative assessment by researching the different types of formative assessments that have an impact on pupils learning in mathematics. Throughout my assignment, I will link my research and different types or theories to my own observations and experiences from my school placement.
Assessment in education is particularly critical today. The implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 gave a main focus on the responsibility through the testing of children’s knowledge in mathematics and English. This focus swiftly shifted the institutional and traditional judgement around tests and produced a range of formative and summative testing. How and why we assess pupils have a huge influence on their educational experience and their learning (Harlen, 2007). Formative assessments are a common method that is used to help improve the lower ability pupils who are performing below average. Research has clearly proven that the use of formative assessments helps to facilitate development in schools and identifies ‘gaps’ in the national curriculum. As well formative assessment contributes to increased student performance

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