As way and show integrity, honesty, loyalty, humility

As positive or negative feelings effect individual mental and emotional state the same way positive thoughts, emotions and different habitual behaviour which were combine and make a trait (aspect of individual personality), influence or effect individual behaviour. Individual pattern of thinking, behaving and feeling are basic elements in designing their personality and all of them contributing in personality traits. Traits are either be positive or negative. Depending on individual mental and emotional state when they look over any adverse situation in a positive, optimistic way and show integrity, honesty, loyalty, humility and forgiveness etc.

Show positive personality trait produce good effect on person’s psychological state. Psychological wellbeing is when you are able to manage your feelings, and when you feel about yourself and the quality of your relationship. While on other hand, negative personality traits are when there’s is a feelings of selfishness, cynicism, pessimism and shyness which effect negatively on person’s psychological state. There are some individual who loose temper in face of adversity while some have the ability to face that unpleasant or adverse situation and continue in achieving their life goals transcending grief and pain by perceiving difficult time as a temporary state of affairs (Wasters, 2013), which strengthen their inner self and also have a strong believe in one’s own self which make them capable and competent which is a positive personality trait which is called resiliency.

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There are Numerous biological, psychological and environmental risk factors which effect individual mental health such as when there’s arise feelings of ”me” and did not account others feelings and consider your own self as superior to others, effect negatively on human psychological state. These traits vary from generation to generation in same way as they vary from person to person. The word generate derived from the Latin generare, meaning ”to beget” (Generate/ Define Generate at, 1995).

Generation is defined as a category of individuals born around the same time. In kinship terminology, it is a structural term designating the parent child relationship. In biological sciences the term generation represents procreation, reproduction or biogenesis. Generation is also termed as cohort, it also refers to the ‘people within a delineated population who experience the same significant events within a given period of time (Pilcher and Jane 1994).

Throughout their life time individuals in this ”birth cohort” reveal similar values, characteristics and partiality. There are substantial distinctness between the generations, every generation has consist a particular set of characteristics which make them unique from the other generations. Serious analysis regarding to the different generations began in 19th century. This analysis emerge from the idea of youthful rebellion against traditional social orders and an increasing recognition of the possibility of enduring social change. According to some analyst, generation is one of the foundational social sets in a society, while other stated that its significance as being conceal by other factors including race, education, gender and class among others. Individuals behaviour are shaped through lived experiences as a result of changes in the environment (social change) (Mannheim, 1952).

Howe and Strauss have written that similarities exist in people of a specific generation is attributed to social change. On the premise of existing different attributes generations are cleave into ten different classes (Robinson, 1997-2018) which are; The Lost Generation (1883-1915), The Interbellum Generation (1901-1913), The greatest Generation (1910-1924), The greatest Generation (1910-1924), The Silent Generation (1925-1945), The baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (Baby Bust) (1965-1979), Xennials (1975-1985), Generation Y or Millennials (1980-1994), Generation Z (1995-2012), Generation Alpha (2013-2025) (Robinson, 1997-2018).

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