As civilly. Instead, by the forest fire, Jack

As the novel comes to a close the boys are “saved” by a naval hero, but this ending is ironic. Throughout the novel, Ralph emphasizes the importance of starting a fire so they can be rescued. Indeed, it is because of the fire they are rescued but not by the ones they made civilly. Instead, by the forest fire, Jack created to kill Ralph. In addition, once the naval officer arrives to save the boys he is appalled that these British boys can act with such savagery. This also is ironic because the whole reason the boys are saved by the naval officer is that he assumed an enemy was inhabiting the island. He was in the middle of his own war and was hoping to catch his enemy. Lastly, the boys aren’t erupting with joy once they are found, rather they begin to cry once they have realized what they have done. The boys soon realize they will never be the same after coming to the island. By ending the novel with this amount of irony Golding is able to emphasize that there are so many similarities between human civilization and plain savagery. He wants readers to realize that just because it sounds official

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